i`m hoping this time the highs will carry on as i think i have sufferd enough grief and heartache in my lifetime
maybe this is finally my break and now i can enjoy the rest of my years with my family and friends
I know exactly what you mean & if I had a magic wand i'd wave it for you.
We have a saying in our house that 'a good year is one when absolutely nothing happens'
We also wish people 'an uneventful New-Year'
you don't need telling that it's when things happen that they go wrong & the world gets tough.
i definetly feel on top of the world and this can only get better as i am making big changes
still very positive today happy happy happy
i know i keep saying it but i love cd and what it has done for me
equally i love you all for all the support you show me
i know i can ramble sometimes and i even sound wingy some days but you are all there to spur me on
No not wingy. I don't think that making a brief comment about a bad day is wingy.that is called keeping a note of the state of things in the diet. now a real winge would go something like ....err, what do yuo mean you haven't got all night?...
that was me being soppy then :giggle:
best go make me shake
i still haven`t tried my soup sachet yet :giggle:
i`m such a woos
might give it a go tonight
kaz xxx