week 12
day 4
been a funny weekend
felt really low yesterday
dont know why as nothing had upset me
did suddenly think bloody hell still over 100lbs to lose
seemed so much but then today i thought what the hell it`ll come off
went to the pub yesterday and the landlady said blimey look at you and they have now nicknamed me the incredible shrinking women :giggle:
hubby has got me a new mobile on contract so have plenty of texts and minutes to use up
i was on pay as you go but he kindly offerd to get one on contract for me
think he felt sorry for me as i did feel low for a few hours
going out thursday to the dog races
been once before with alans firm
you get so many free bets a meal and 2 free drinks
hubby will have my share of food and drinks, i`m taking some bottles of water with me
bought myself 2 t-shirts both size 18/20
and they fit lovley
collar bones are definetly showing now and my jaw feels boney
still haven`t tried the soup sachet i bought, might be brave and have it tonight
have loads of housework to do today and if it stays dry i might cut the grass, all exercise so hopefully might lose a pound or three lol
pretty boring diary today
same old same old
must keep buisy or i feel a voice might just win today