blimey still got internett
might wake up tomorrow without it though
anyways been real buisy today
1st my friend carlie came to visit with her fella andy and her 4 gorgeous boys
fun was had by all and it was lovley to see my old friend again
then this afternoon spent 3 hours up the hospital
karl had an appt at 3.30 and we finally left 6.15
he has probs with his ears they have tried all sorts but he still gets mountains of wax so every couple of months he has to go have it all sucked out
sounds yucky but it helps him
just sat down they`re eating while i sip my water
had a few probs toilet wise today
i know this is tmi but when i went for no:2`s i bled a bit
i have been bunged up for about 3 days so took 2 dulcolax and now i feel a tad tender to say the least
as positive as i am i do feel run down this week, mainly due to stress but i know i will rise above it as always
thanks jane for your comments you always make me smile
and thanks dis for popping in today
think i`m going to get my jim jams on and chill in front of the tv for the rest of the night i do feel so tired
will post in the morning all being well
night all
kaz xxx