Strong women stay slim
Hi Kaz
Well came back late monday , and today thought ok its time to stop farting about with food and really put myself 100% into this so until i sort out my pennies i'm doing ultra slim then when i'm more flush get some CD , but i'm feeling i can do this for christmas , how are you going Kaz you seem like you are really going to get to where you want to be , thats good! 46Lb lost is really good, keep going girl
Good luck all of you here!
Well came back late monday , and today thought ok its time to stop farting about with food and really put myself 100% into this so until i sort out my pennies i'm doing ultra slim then when i'm more flush get some CD , but i'm feeling i can do this for christmas , how are you going Kaz you seem like you are really going to get to where you want to be , thats good! 46Lb lost is really good, keep going girl
Good luck all of you here!