hello all
had a lovely weekend
loved having my friends here all be it knackering it was great
we went out sunday night to a qiute pub and had a ball
much laughter and drinks to be had
and yes i drank wine

naughty me but i had a great time
monday was a pretty funny day
got to around 10am and i had two phone calls from my kids schools
"are they sick, there not here"
what the hell i thought it was teacher training day and hadn`t sent any of them

you`d think as the schools are all under the same authorities they`d have the same holidays but no gemma my youngest was off but the boys should have gone back
i wasn`t going to fluff about and try getting them there so they had an extra day off, they were full of joys
popped intot own with my visitors they think telford is great and love all the retail parks, they dont have nothing like that where they are (burnley)
got back for tea time made everyone dinner then said farewells to my friends
then had a soak and lounged around all evening watching telly and believe me i felt like i had run a marathon i was exhausted
today i have done the usual housework and am now thinking about what to do after i finish the lipotrim
its so near to xmas now i really dont think i can do cd before then
so i now have to make the desicion of staying on a healthy WW type programme until new year or cut back and do the cd and look lovely and slim for xmas
no other diet works so quick and cd has been my friend for many weeks now, but financially i really need to cut back until new year.
i dont know why i am writing this because my decision has already been made really WW type diet for the remainder of this year then cd new start in new year
i have to stay positive i have done so well so far and o.k i would have loved to be in the 12stone bracket now but hey ho i am not
so here is to a very healthy xmas and in jan a new years resolution to stick to cd to the end of my goal
i`m waffling now so will shut up before i fall asleep