week 22
day 1
hi all
well got weighed and have gained 4lbs

and that`s doing complete ssing
but measurements show 1/2 to 1 inch losses all over
so maybe water not sure but it does hurt to see the scales go up instead of down
having a few womens probs which might result in a small op in a week or 2 but nothing to drastic but enough to make me feel blurgh
got some lovely chocolate orange shakes this week
sorry not posted on anyones diaries but to be honest my brain is else where and until me nether regions are sorted i dont think i`ll be on much but i am thinking of you all and i will be back on everyday in a couple of weeks tim
why is it when everything is plodding along nicely something else comes along to smack ya in the face
what with my health issues and kids being sent home from school with viruses now today we heard one of alans aunts has died so pretty crap week so far
finding the diet hard but i have been good and stuck to my rations
water intake hasn`t been brilliant so maybe that is why scales aren`t my friend this week
ho hum here is to another week and good luck with everyones weigh in