kaz`s diary

Hiya Kaz

Glad you're feeling better & are back with your CDC, it's just downhill all the way now - keep it up :D

Where you at? Hope all is ok. x
helloooooooo everyone
well what a few months i have had
gained 2 stone so totally gutted and feel the fattest girl in the world
only myself to blame the odd biccie here, the odd crisp there and bang back to my old eating habits
stress is my major problem with food
when things get tough i skip the healthy food and grab for the crap
and now i have wrecked all my hard work
well not wrecked as i know i can do it again but just a pain that its summer and i`m a hippo again
getting back in the zone is going to eb tough but i have a goal its my niece`s wedding and i want to be slimmer for then
so just got to get the courage to start cd again and get focused
money is the ig issue for us can i afford it
but if i dont do it i will be fat for ever as all otherdiets dont work for me
well i`ll let ya know when i start but it has to be soon
love to you all
kaz xxxx
Hey Kaz !!! how are you ?
Missed you
Well , we will be glad to surrport you .
When is the wedding ?
its the good weather now Kaz , you won't be cold and you won't feel as hungry what better time to start . let us know ok .
notice i'm still here fighting the weight off lol
catch you soon xxx
thanks ladies raring to go now, start in about a weeks time
the wedding is the end of sept so should do it easily
i`m actually getting in that zone again woohoo
had some real crap months and i couldn`t do it then butnow i say bring it on
afternoon all
what a beautiful day and even more incentive to shift the lard
bought a load of salad thought i`d do a week or so of healthy eating before i start ss
my mate claire has just past the 4 stone loss barrier and she is looking gorgeous this has also got me raring to go
i cant wait to have my orange choc shake again my fave
hope you are all doing well
kaz xxx
Wow, i'm sooo happy to see you here again! I, too, fell off the wagon and gained loads back on (much more than the 2 stone you put back on)...ok ok ok so i was pregnant and gave birth to an 11lb 4oz boy :eek: and i think my eating habits were to blame on that one...

anyways, you will get back into it in NO time at all! I'm loving how motivated you are about coming back to SS! your positivity is rubbing off on me already. i started again in december and i feel i've hit that "low" point so i'm here to read all the good stuff (like your thread) and it's working already.

Good luck to you, kiddo! and i look forward to seeing/reading about your journey to slimdom!
woot woot!
hey dis and sam so glad to hear from you
dis a huge congrats on the birth of your boy but wow what agood weight he was
sam i read some of your posts yesterday and i know that the banding will work for you
yes i`m very motivated just got to buy the stuff now
for tea i had chicken salad and 2 ryvitas
was nice and in this heat i didn`t want anything cooked so that helped
think doing cd in the summer is easier than winter as i dont have so much of an appetite and i drink more water
went into town today and saw some lovely clothes so yet another incentive to fight the flab
well i look forward to seeing you all on the boards as i will post everyday now
Kaz hi ya ... be good to have you here again and roll on a weeks time , you been back to Luton again ?
Your mate did well 4 stone , that could be us soon .
Hows your gang of kids hehe
hi jackie was in luton 3 weeks ago for my mums birthday
kids are all fine gemma is in full time school now

well the appt is made i see my cd councillor next wednesday and start thursday morning woohooo
because my doc wont sign my form i am starting on the 1000plan which isn`t to bad actually it will ease me back in gently and once my BMI is below 40 i will then do soul source
i did laugh at myself i was on the phone to the councillor while eating a bacon sandwich lol....naughty me lol
still feel a little gutted that i ahve let myself go but i`m back and definetly in the zone
its is my son`s 16th birthday on sunday so going to have a piece of cake then next week cut down on the carbs in preperation for thursday
i almost bougt a pair of jeans yesterday in teh sale size 22 which i am in now ( shameful i know) then i thought no wait and buy a size 18 as a treat for when i get there
i can almost taste the choc shake now and hear my lardy areas shouting nooooo she`s on it again lol
well lardy bits time to obliterate you, you are he weakest link goodbye lol
its taken me months but now i say ""BRING IT ON "" the battle will be won and i will come out with the gold medal woohoooo

stick to it people keep up the good work
Hey Kaz , so you was close by in Luton , i'm really hoping you do so well on CD , will keep you company and many others will too . Gemma is full time school , yes last time she was half day , how are you with that , are you missing her ?
So Thursday , i'll be looking for your posts :))
Don't worry about the trousers Kaz , we've all been there nothing to feel bad about !
Weakest link goodbye lol you are funny , keep taht humour kaz we need it here lol
morning all
been awol all week
had such abusy week didn`t have time to log in
well here goes
Day 6
well i startedlast wednesday got weighed in tuesday night god what a shocker but hey ho i`m here now and doing something about it
my cd lady Amy started me on the 1000 plan 2 shakes and the required food
wasn`t to happy but Amy is starting me on ss+ at next weigh in so happy about that
been a good week
had many challenges mcdonlads, chip shop, roast dinners but i sat with my chicken and lettuce and kept saying i`ll have it when i`m thin
my 1st 3 days were the worst and as usual i now have the spots on my forehead and look like an acne teenager lol
weigh in tomorrow so looking forward to that
i dont think i would have lost much as i have been on the 1000 plan but even 3lb would be good
the key to success is staying busy, drinking the water and looking at all the success stories on here
i will be joining them stories soon just got to stay on track
well off out soon got my water in my bag and ready for the day
stay strong everyone
Hi Kaz , doing well , so you've got your water , but have you got your portable loo too lol
Rooting for ya , let us know your weigh in results
morning all
yep i`m back again
after the last restart i had loads go on and basically stopped all dieting for a while
glad to say back again and ready to lose the last of the lard
day 3 for me and feeling yukky, bad head, bad breathe, and tired but i know it will pass soon
looking forward to gettign in the next size down clothes and feeling happy and healthy
well i will try and write here every day but if i dont i promise i`ll stick to the diet and not fall of the wagon again i have to do it this time i feel this is my last chance
have a great day everyone
thanks sam been a tough few months but now ready to carry on this journey

well i did very well today the usual mcdonald challenge the kids stuffed their faces while i sat with my choc tetra and black coffee but i was a good girl
this afternoon we went round town shopping for school unifoms and by the end of the day i am shattered
also did the food shop at asda and then sat in the cafe waiting for hubby
well it was then that i almost caved in i am so hungry and such bad head
i thought shall i eat something i actually felt sick to
this day 3 for me and i always feel rough by this day but this time i really felt bad mostly to much caffeine not enough water so there i sat glugging and i`m proud to say i didn`t eat
now home and i have just cooked them chicken kieves with oven chips and the smell has driven me mad my mouth is drawling but instead of tempting me to nibble i shifted my wobbly backside onto here and decided to write my feelings down
this afternoon i was almost at crying point because i know i really need to do this but felt i was going to cave in
i dont know how i got through the last 3hrs without eating somethijg but i did it and now looking forward to my shake and water as i watch holby city
so another day almost over with some very mixed emotions and a proud kaz at the end of the day

god this diet is so hard but i know it works and i will succeed
Welcome back Kaz ....
mixed emotions , you can say that again , but it must feel good that you are back in the running and now day 4 , you will be feeling ok .... Just think i have got this far let me keep going !!!
Well done Kaz !