Kazz Weekly Weigh In

OK we are mirroring each other, I lost 3 inches from my waist in 2 weeks
Weighed 15 stone 3 lbs this morning. so that means I have lost 3 lbs..yay!! My clothes feel tonnes better as well....took my measurements the other night (at last) so it will be interesting to see the change over the next while!!
Congratulations Kazz 3lbs. is brill!!!


Love Mini xxx

Thx Mini....Looks like I am on track for hitting the 1 stone in 1 month target!!

Oh kazz well done you :). The measurement are really important I wish I had the courage to do it at the beginning.. You will be so amazed how and where you loose it:) Keep going and soon you'll be in the 13stone mark and wow does it feel good!!!!And for the 12 stone you just have to try it:):)

Thx Sam, 12 stone wud be sooooo sweet...cant remember ever being that before...although I'm sure I was at some point lol
Week 4 (I think!!) Weigh In

Have just weighed myself....a couple of times to be sure!! The scales are now showing....14 stone 11lbs....WOW!!! Am very impressed....by my extremely bad calculations....that means I have lost 6lbs this week?? From 15 3 to 14 11 is 6lbs isnt it?!

That will be my biggest loss on any week....:D :D :D :D :D :D

This diet rocks!!

Way to go girl!!!

Your doing great Kazz and 6lbs WOW what can i say!!!
Week 5 Weigh in....

I am now..........................

14 stone 6lbs!!!

I have lost another 5 lbs and have just realised I am only 2lbs away from 2 stone since I first met my CDC, and only 6lbs away from 2 stone since I started!! :D :D :D
Thats fantastic Kazz, congratulations:D :D 2 Stone is brilliant in such a short time.
I am now..........................

14 stone 6lbs!!!

I have lost another 5 lbs and have just realised I am only 2lbs away from 2 stone since I first met my CDC, and only 6lbs away from 2 stone since I started!! :D :D :D

Way to go KAZZ !!! :D

you are doing REALLY well....I'm sure that 2stone will be yours next week !!!

Keep up the great work hun....


Thanks Debz & Natpot....I'm still amazed that I have managed to last this long!! Looked at my goals again the other day and am beginning to think I could have lost close to 3 stone for Christmas...that would be ACE!!