Keeping it simple...

I'm hyper today! Don't know why. Was very pleased to make it through the circuits class yesterday, I've been avoiding going because I know its hard work and I'm not at my fittest, but it was fine.

This morning I cycled the girls to school (10 mins), but my eldest was supposed to bring in a toy bunny, which she forgot, so I had to cycle back home and back again. So a total of about 4 miles of unexpected exercise (was going to have a rest day), plus a soya latte, might explain my sudden energy rush and "buzzed" feeling!!!

Hope everyone has a FAB day today!
Here's my food log for today:

B: Starbucks soya latte and Dorset cereals Date and Pecan bar (yum, much nicer than the pumpkin & pistachio which was far too sweet)
L: M&S crayfish, rocket & pasta salad, lots of cherries
S: Skinny latte & 15g dark chocolate
T: Chorizo & chickpea soup; 2 oatcakes, parma ham, asparagus and a cob of corn
S: Handful of almonds
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Hee hee Frijj, I've just spent the last twenty mins perusing your diary, and here you are on mine!

I've been reading all about you - you've done so well, and it's fab to see someone who is achieving without a specific "diet". And good luck with your race for life. You don't need the gym - become a runner! It's the only exercise I truly enjoy, and now I've run for years, I find it really easy to get my fitness back when I let it slide. And if you can fit in one long walk/run (eventually run) of over an hour, once a week, it burns fat like nobody's business.

And best of all, nobody expects me to be able to run because I don't look like I can. Because although I'm slow, I can run for miles :)

Anyway, enough about the virtues of running - enjoy your Race for Life and thank you very much for the support and advice for dieting the long, slow, and permanent, route.

:giggle: Feel free to drop by my diary anytime!

I hope I've not put you off the "long, slow and permanent route". Like I said I could have done it quicker but I choose to enjoy myself a little more than some others do!! ;)

I'm new to this running thing but I'm enjoying it so far. How far do you run and how often?

Looks like you're having another good day. Especially with all that extra exercise.

Enjoy your afternoon. x x :D
No, I need it to be long, slow and a lifestyle change this time, and your diary actually motivated me because you're succeeding, and you're doing it in a sustainable way. I have lost weight every way imaginable, but never kept it off. But in the process I've lost what real eating is - there's a list of foods as long as my arm that I won't let in the house, but I end up bingeing, sometimes for days...

And precisely because I do like exercise, and am generally active, I often undereat, then end up eating something high calorie (usually something I could get away with if I was being rational about it), think I'd blown it and go off on a binge.

I'm getting nervous now, because 1-2 weeks is the longest I've been without a binge in years. So I'll be due one soon, but at the moment, I feel fine, and confident. One step at a time, eh?

Anyway back to running. I LOVE running (got that yet?). I hated it at first, big time. I was always slow, and it took me about a year to get past 30 mins. But once I broke that barrier, I found that I'm actually a distance runner really (my endorphins don't really kick in til about 40 mins, and then I can get a real buzz!)

I did the London Marathon in 2002, and have done numerous half marathons, and one 20-miler, but since then have had 2 children (2004 & 2006) and have only run intermittently. But the great thing about running, is I thought I'd be starting again at the beginning, but I can still run 6 miles or so, it's just even slower than before.

Also, as long as you're sweating, it doesn't matter whether you're running or walking - in fact, run/walk has been proven to do you more good, fitness wise, than straight running, partly because its interval training, and partly because running builds up a momentum, but walking doesn't so its less efficient. I run with our dog, and so often slow down or stop and march if he's sniffing etc....

Anyway, I'm trying to run at least every second day, because I find it harder rather than easier if I leave a gap of 2 days or more. I've been back on track for about 2 weeks now, and fully intend keeping it up.

Thinking of a 10k in August (will be delighted if I crack 60 mins, but tbh more likely to be 70 mins...) and a half marathon in October (our local one is in October and I haven't done it since 2001).

Everyone thinks I'm mad...
Thanks hun. I still find it hard to accept when people say things like that to me but I guess my head still hasn't caught up with all the changes.

Regarding the binges don't be nervous & try not to think about it as it'll draw more attention to it. It will get easier I promise, you'll have a few slips ups along the way no doubt (I did!) but just move on from them and keep going forward.

I had 3 cereal bars when I got home from work a couple of weeks ago as I was hungry. When my OH got home I said I'd pigged out & told him what I'd had. He just laughed & said "you do realise a year ago you pigging out would have meant 6 bars of chocolate, a packet of biscuits, a few packets of crips & a pint of milk!!" These changes happen without you knowing or even realising it!!

Yep I had noticed you LOVE running!!! I'm so impressed at the distance too. I've only just got over my 30min block & ran 5.5k Sunday evening in 50mins. I was so buzzed.

Mind you I'm not sure I'm keen enough to do half or full marathons!! 10k possibly but who knows?!

We did a bit of interval training on the Sunday run actually, my OH would say right double pace to that tree or lampost & then we'd go back to my slower pace. I really enjoyed it.

Good luck with the 10k in August & the half marathon if you go for it.

Oh & I do actually think you're mad!! (let's hope people will be saying that to me soon about my running!!). x :giggle:
Here's a post I put on another thread that I found very theraputic - the original thread was about dealing with stressful situations...

Over the last year I have split up with my husband of 13 years, and found myself a single mum of 2 under-5s. I have also moved house.

Whilst I didn't avoid food as a coping mechanism (I gained a stone and was already 2 stone overweight and feeling cr*ppy about it), I did find some other coping mechanisms, that I hope in future I can use instead of food.

Here's the most useful things I did:

- Phoned my mum and ranted, lots - got lots of emotion out. Freaked her out a bit! She kept offering to come and visit me (I live 200 miles away), but I just needed to release the emotion when the kids were in bed and she became my punch bag for while. Good old mum.
- Went shopping! Retail therapy - I couldn't bring myself to buy clothes because I hated the size I was, but I bought accessories, DVDs etc.
- Took my kids to Disneyland!
- Bought a treadmill (so I could exercise as and when)
- Got a lodger (so I could afford the above)
- Found a friend to socialise with, but who didn't pressure me to go out in big crowds or where I felt uncomfortable.

I also made lots of mistakes, that I'm glad I'm now writing down because if I go through anything this major again, I want to refer back:
- I ate! Binged to block my emotions, ate sugar to give me an energy boost when the kids or I weren't sleeping, ate as a form of relaxation whenever ex had the kids...
- Didn't exercise enough: Didn't feel I had the energy, and struggled to find the time without kids. I should have bought that treadmill earlier and just got on with it.
- Didn't take control of my surroundings (home a bit of a mess, financially not really taking control etc. - I think it helps to have calm, organised surroundings when your life is in turmoil)
- Didn't take care of myself: didn't get my hair cut, wear nice clothes, wear make up etc.
- Went on extreme diets to try and lose the weight quickly (I know that many people are successful on VLCDs etc, but I wasn't emotionally equipped to deal with it at this stage and I just ended up yo-yoing like mad)
- Fed my negative emotions: guilt, anger, resentment etc.

So next time (god, I hope there's not a next time for this!), I will take more care of myself, organise my surroundings, and treat myself to lots of pressies! And not spend a ridiculous amount of money on diets, they all work, but only if you're in the right place!
Hello hello! Haven't been on all day - I've been away. Long day, was invited to Highgrove so dropped kids off at school, then drove out there, spent a few hours in the sunshine wandering amongst the flowers, had tea, visited the shop and then went for a late lunch in a pub. It was a lovely day, but gave me a taster of what it'll be like when I'm working longer hours in September, rushing back to pick up the kids at 5.15, getting their tea, somehow having to walk the dog (or at least take him to the park) before putting them to bed because I can't go out once they're down. It was a struggle with a couple of tantrums, but made it and still managed to get on the treadmill for 30 min hill programme. V. pleased.

Food wise it was good too, I indulged but didn't pig at lunchtime, and ate well but reduced portions the rest of the day. Lunch wasn't until 2.30 and I was so hungry by then I couldn't make a rational decision from the menu - I ordered a burger and chips (to be honest, all I could see was CHIPS! on the menu...). But I took the bread and cheese off the burger, had mustard instead of mayo and didn't order a dessert. I did eat all the chips though - they were delicious! I'm still pleased though because usually that would be enough for me to say sod it, I've blown it, I'm knackered, can't be bothered to get on the treadmill, so why don't I just sit down with a load of food and eat my way through the evening...

But I didn't. Excellent.

Food log for today:
B - (in car) apple, half fat cheddar, milky coffee, small handful of nuts & dried fruit
L - (late lunch in pub) beefburger (no bun) & chips, diet coke
S - Melon & raspberries
T - Low calorie pea & ham soup, go lower pork crispies

Exercise: 2 hrs wandering around Highgrove, 30 mins hill programme on treadmill. Forgot to take pedometer with me so no idea on steps...
I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but sometimes I just don't think. I head straight into a binge without even making a choice.

I know EXACTLY how you feel - even whilst on LighterLife wher I know I can't eat anything other than my foodpacks... I still find myself in the fridge. I take a good look at what's in there, close it, and then feel really good about not having opted for the big block of cheese!

It seems to me that dieting really isn't an option for you - from what I've read you know what needs to be done, and you're doing it. If you're changing your lifestyle in the long-term you're far more likely to lose the weight, and then maintain it. You do quite a bit of exercise too, which is essential to any healthy lifestyle.

And because a few other people have mentioned it, until about two weeks ago I could have gone on the biggest rant about why VLCD's are bad for you and how they won't help, etc etc... But, having started Lighter Life and having experienced the behavioural therapy and knowing that when I'm at a weight I 'm comfortable with I can go onto Management where I will re-introduce food and in some way re-educate myself to a lifestyle that will work for me in the long-run.

As it stands, I like to think I know a lot about exercise and nutrition and generally being healthy - I just don't have the motivation to do it on my own, which is where a group such as LL is very important to me.

Overall, it's important to remember that YOU know yourself best - you know what works for you and what doesn't, you know what you want to achieve and you know how to achieve it.

Be sure to keep us all updated, you'll be your ideal weight sooner than you think!
Thank you ana - you are very wise for your age (I've been on your blog, I know all! V. enjoyable too - I've bookmarked it!)

I loved the counselling aspect of LL, and I had a really good counsellor too, but, for whatever reason, I just couldn't get past 2-3 weeks. I wish you lots and lots of success on it, and urge you to come on here (minimins) once you've lost the weight for support. I know quite a few LL's - v. successful about losing weight, struggled to keep it off. Not a criticism - the same is true of any diet, and I don't think it even comes back on particularly fast, it just feels that way. I lost a stone on LL in 2 weeks in May and despite eating cr*p for the rest of May and struggling like crazy, I've kept it off... I think it's just more noticable with LL because you lose more weight, more quickly than any other diet.

And that argument for it not retraining your eating habits is baloney for a lot of people too - I did Weight Watchers for 6 months back in 2002 and lost 4 stone, but didn't keep it off, despite having retrained my eating for half a year!!!

The only thing I have against LL is that I couldn't stick to it!

Anyway, I know a lot of people are anti-VLCDS, but an awful lot of people don't know a lot about them. And particularly when you're young (and therefore obviously don't know anything - grrr that makes me cross!), they love to poke their oar in.

Look at me, I've gone on a big rant! What I really want to say is thank you for visiting my diary and being so supportive, and I'm going to enjoy following your progress, so good luck!
Today is Weigh In Day! Yay! I felt a bit bloated and windy from yesterday (perhaps the lunch meal?), but leapt on the scales in excitement....drum roll please....4lbs down! YAY! That makes me 1 stone off since the start of May. I yo-yoed throughout May, but appear to be on a downward path now!

So I went out for a bit of a celebratory breakfast - I figured treat myself on WI day, day off formal exercise and a starbucks soya latte and cinammon swirl for brekkie. I'm also feeling exhausted and drained today so seems a good day for a bit of a rest.

So my youngest and I headed down there, bought a takeaway. Before I sat down to indulge, I thought I'd just hang the wash out. In the process I knocked over my latte...oh well. A few calories less to indulge in. I put on the kettle for an instant coffee. Sat down, opened paper bag, reached in to get my lovely, yummy cinnamon swirl. They'd made a mistake and given me a pain au chocolate. Booo. I like pain au chocolate but I don't love them. If I was on a binge it'd be gone in seconds, but I'm not, and I only want to indulge in things I really really want (get me!)

So I resorted to yoghurt and a cereal bar for breakfast and will feed the pain au choc to my ex who's coming round in half an hour. And my treat is going to be going back to bed for a nap at lunchtime.

Get me! I'm the one, 4lbs down, who can turn down yummy pastry treats on a whim! Am I eating like a slim person? Certainly getting there. Lets see how the rest of the day pans out. In the past, when on a diet (unless its a VLCD where I can't eat food), I always binge on WI day. But I'm feeling comfortable and confident today, so who knows...
Thank you!! It's good to have some support (don't get much of it in my direct family).

Basically, as with all diets - there will always be one person who doesn't know what they're talking about trying to bring you down. EURGH.

However, I am proud of the lack of 'pain au chocolat' eating. It shows that you know what you're doing - and I like the idea of giving it to the ex. "Here, eat my pastry - it's all you're good for." ^_^

The 4lbs is really good! KEEP IT UP!
Was feeling a bit peckish earlier, and had 3 small biscuits. Felt satisfied. Stopped there. Wow! To be honest, as I opened the packet I was thinking about just scoffing the whole lot. After all, "it's weigh in day and I deserve a treat..." (that's usually how my binges start...). But stopped at three. Helped that they weren't choccie biscuits, obviously :) or jaffa cakes - has anyone actually put a jaffacake box back in the cupboard with cakes still in it?!
Hee hee. Today was supposed to be my rest day, but at about 6pm I had so much excess energy (I was dancing around the kitchen with my kids), that I decided to put it to good use and stuck on an exercise DVD - Mel B. Anyone who has Mel B's DVD will know that it comprises a 15 min basic cardio, a 20 min advanced cardio full body workout, and 10 min segments on arms, bum, legs & tum. You programme a workout using as few or many of these in whichever order you want. Mel does each of these segments as 1 minute circuits - you do one min of each of her exercises. I love it because 1 minute is short enough for my restricted attention span and stops me getting bored. My favourite workout is the 20 min cardio / full body workout (includes arms and abs). I did it once, still had energy to spare, so did it a second time but interspersed it with my own 1 min cardio exercises - so one min Mel B, one min star jumps, 1 min mel B, 1 min running up & down my stairs etc. Total of 60 mins full on cardio. And as a bonus, I did this in my kiddies bedroom whilst they played happily around me, and they added suggestions - skip mummy skip! It's nice to know that I can exercise even if I can't get time off from kid sitting! And sets a good example to them too...

Food today:
B: Dorset date cereal bar, 1/2 small tub 0% greek yoghurt
L: Pork & leek stew, mixed veg (restaurant, didn't eat the new potatoes)
S: 3 small shortbread biscuits
S: Soya latte, Go Lower low carb nut bar
T: V. large portion stir fry veg, coq au vin

Not bad, considering I thought it was going to be a bit more indulgent as WI day. I am AMAZED that I actually wanted to continue eating like this and not break the routine I've developed. Every other diet (even when I lost 4 stone on WW), I used to indulge and that turned into a binge on WI day, and I'd struggle to get back on track. There was something depressing about getting away with binging on WI days and getting away with it because it made my binges worse and I used to end up with a very upset stomach the few days after WI, and then cut down drastically & exercise to make sure I had a loss. Not clever.

V. short on fruit today. Need to go fruit shopping. Also run out of yoghurt, so I think eggs for breakfast tomorrow (I like to get protein in for breakfast to keep me fuller for longer).
Ahhh ahhh Arrrgh Whoop whoop whoop!!!!! I'm no longer obese! I've just updated my details to include my 4lb loss for this week and I'm now at a BMI fo 29.9!!!! Hooray!
Oh. I fell off the wagon today. I'm not worried about it in that I know I'll pick myself straight back up tomorrow, but I'm cross with myself because I always seem to binge around WI day. I don't mind indulging a little, but a full on binge isn't great.

It started this morning. I was really hungry - woke up and all I could think about was food. I had my usual half litre of water to rehydrate, but it didn't help. So I decided to have a high protein breakfast as it'd be filling. But it wasn't a huge breakfast and it wasn't long before I said, oh sod this and dived into a packet of biscuits. Polished them off, went to Mcdonalds for lunch, had an icecream and 2 cream scones during the afternoon and a ready meal for tea.

It's done and dusted now and I felt sick and lethargic this afternoon because of it. So why do I do it? A number of things spring to mind (bear with me, forgive my amateur psychology, and skip this if you're bored - I need to get to the bottom of this to stop it happening)

- I almost knew I was going to binge, or was expecting to - is that because of my history of bingeing? or because I knew, deep down, I was cutting down a bit too much given my activity levels?
- Bingeing is almost like having a day off for me. Not just from my diet, but from life. I don't need to be busy to ensure I don't eat too just seems to help me switch off.
- My carb intakes quite low (I tend to only have carbs for breakfast, or a snack) and I exercise quite a lot, could that lead to cravings?
- I didn't take my planned rest day on Friday
- I also didn't have my post weigh in "indulgence", if I'd had a bigger meal on Fri night, would that have staved off a binge?
- I might have been getting a bit more of a "diet" mentality towards the end of the week - weighing more, cutting back more on food, thinking about weight and diet more.

Do you know what, I'd love to just switch my mind off from food / diet / weightloss for a bit. I seem to think about it constantly. Why can't I eat to live rather than live to eat?

Of all the things I've mentioned above, the two that stand out to me that this was about are:
1. I use food to switch off, mentally. Almost like a drug.
2. I was hungry and couldn't recognise that one big meal might have staved off the binge
3. Once I'd started, I was in it for the day, there was no way I was stopping. I wonder how I get round that?

Anyway, need to do some more thinking on this and then I'll be back!
Was just thinking about this (there's a sticky about it on the get your head inside forum).
It asks if you are Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired.
Hungry - yes
Angry - no
Lonely - don't think so. I had both kids with me today, and I am a single parent, but they were in good spirits and I wasn't phoning anyone or wanting to talk to anyone which is usually an indicator that I need adult company...
Tired - yes. Mentally as well as physically. Particularly of dieting and worrying. And physically as well, definitely, but I have 2 young kids who don't always sleep, so I would be, wouldn't I?