Lol well u are every bit so that's 6pp gone xx
Kerry! How could u eat his dangly bits ;-) x
I wonder if Gingerbread Men have more PP than if we had Gingerbread Women cos of their dangly bits!!! X
Best dangly bits I've ever tasted ;-) x
Serena you crack me up!!! Theoretically, the ginger bread ladies should be bigger cos.we have boobiesha ha
I wonder if Gingerbread Men have more PP than if we had Gingerbread Women cos of their dangly bits!!! X
Nooooooo!!! You'd have to use your weeklies anytime you got a bitta actionU girls are rude!! Lol ... Wish my mans bits were made of gingerbread! Lol he'd get more action then ;-) xx
Nooooooo!!! You'd have to use your weeklies anytime you got a bitta actionxx
Lol yeh that's true actually! X
Haha how's work goin hun xx
Not too bad, done in 3 hrs! I love sat nights cos I have the next 3 days offxx
Sorry Don't get what ya mean :-/ lol xx
Haha are you workin fri and sat every week?? Are your days off sun mon n tues? haha xx
Lol get ya now. Yeh same every wk! Love having 3 days off in a row xx
Hope Work was ok Kerry, only today and tomorrow to gox What time do you start today? X