Kerry's final weight watchers diary!!!

Haha dont say that! You will put me off cheese sauce if I think about *that* being in it! Lol

Why do I manage to lower the tone of other peoples threads? I bkame you serena ;)

Me??? I didn't see anything, I didn't do anything, and in the words if Shaggy 'It wasn't me' lol x
Hahahahaha girls ye crack me up! I wouldn't kick him outa d bed for eatn crisps anyway

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Hahahahaha girls ye crack me up! I wouldn't kick him outa d bed for eatn crisps anyway

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I wouldn't kick him outta bed for anything. He could give me a right horizontal workout anytime! Dont fancy a vertical one though! Haha
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You girls crack me up :)

Well I feel like such a failure, had all my weeklies last night n prob then some. don't know where my willpower has gone. There is so many goodies at work, ie crisp, buns, cakes, choc bars. Just so hard to resist. I've done it before tho so why can't I just say no??
So now I have the option of sticking to 26 points n prob binging or sticking to around 29 n staying on track ( well trying) till Wednesday wi.
I'm really mad at myself cos I really wanted that 3.5 off this wk. I've got my bridesmaid fitting next sat n I'm going to feel like a blob!
My gym stuff came too late for gym but I have been for my 4 mile jog/ walk with dog today and I did push myself. Burnt 426 cals. I'm going to go to gym in morning n then sun. Hopefully get another one in before wed. I'm crap at this dieting lark xx
You girls crack me up :)

Well I feel like such a failure, had all my weeklies last night n prob then some. don't know where my willpower has gone. There is so many goodies at work, ie crisp, buns, cakes, choc bars. Just so hard to resist. I've done it before tho so why can't I just say no??
So now I have the option of sticking to 26 points n prob binging or sticking to around 29 n staying on track ( well trying) till Wednesday wi.
I'm really mad at myself cos I really wanted that 3.5 off this wk. I've got my bridesmaid fitting next sat n I'm going to feel like a blob!
My gym stuff came too late for gym but I have been for my 4 mile jog/ walk with dog today and I did push myself. Burnt 426 cals. I'm going to go to gym in morning n then sun. Hopefully get another one in before wed. I'm crap at this dieting lark xx

Hey Sweetie, Sorry to hear that things didn't go too well last night :-( Sticking to 29pp sounds good, that's how much it was when people first started pp so I think you should be just fine doing that. Good Luck Sweetie, You can do this! X
Hey Sweetie, Sorry to hear that things didn't go too well last night :-( Sticking to 29pp sounds good, that's how much it was when people first started pp so I think you should be just fine doing that. Good Luck Sweetie, You can do this! X

Thanks hun, I know I can do it. Just need to put my mind to it and succeed! Xx
Thanks hun, I know I can do it. Just need to put my mind to it and succeed! Xx

Definitely :) I think u till you're in the right Mindset it just doesn't click! They need to have Fruit at work so you can pick on that and stay on track! X
You have done great swetie and you CAN do it amd you ARE doing it. Don't be so tough on yourself! The last thing you are is a blob!!

I bet once you ate those things last night you realised they didnt taste as good as you remembered! Try and think of that next time honey.

It is hard to resist goodies. I dont often want cakes or pastry. But then one day I won't be able to get it out of my head! So I look at a picture of my muffin (my god daughter) and I know I wanna be around to see her grow up, I wanna 5ake her to the park and run around with her, I wanna take her crealy and woodlands (adventure play places and indoor play ateas) and be able to go on rides and play with her.

It also reminds me that one day I wouldn't mind having a little person like her all of my own.

Try and keep in mind why you are doing this!!

Here's my muffin.

Keep going honey! Your the one with the power and strength to do this!!


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You have done great swetie and you CAN do it amd you ARE doing it. Don't be so tough on yourself! The last thing you are is a blob!!

I bet once you ate those things last night you realised they didnt taste as good as you remembered! Try and think of that next time honey.

It is hard to resist goodies. I dont often want cakes or pastry. But then one day I won't be able to get it out of my head! So I look at a picture of my muffin (my god daughter) and I know I wanna be around to see her grow up, I wanna 5ake her to the park and run around with her, I wanna take her crealy and woodlands (adventure play places and indoor play ateas) and be able to go on rides and play with her.

It also reminds me that one day I wouldn't mind having a little person like her all of my own.

Try and keep in mind why you are doing this!!

Here's my muffin.

Keep going honey! Your the one with the power and strength to do this!!

Aww she is absolutely adorable, if she doesn't keep u on track I don't know what will. I'm desperate for a baby, I think that's part of my binge eating cos I'm miserable a lot. I'm 32 n all my friends have kids. Went through ivf with my ex , he had low sperm count. Didnt work. He's married now n got a baby, just wasn't meant to b for us. I'm going to go to the doctors soon n start with all the test. .. Sorry to ramble on, just thought I'd give a bit of insight as to why I think I sometimes over eat! xx
Definitely :) I think u till you're in the right Mindset it just doesn't click! They need to have Fruit at work so you can pick on that and stay on track! X

I do bring fruit with me, I just don't) always pick the healthy option xx
I do bring fruit with me, I just don't) always pick the healthy option xx

Everyone deserves a treat :) I can't imagine how u girls can do this with working, I don't really have a life so WW is my life lol x
Everyone deserves a treat :) I can't imagine how u girls can do this with working, I don't really have a life so WW is my life lol x

Majority of the Time when I'm at home I'm really good. I have sun mon n Tuesday off work n they are by far my best days. Thur -sat it just goes to pot xx
Majority of the Time when I'm at home I'm really good. I have sun mon n Tuesday off work n they are by far my best days. Thur -sat it just goes to pot xx

:-( Thats not good is it :-( x
I'm the opposite I'm really good when I'm in work and then not so good at the weekend

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Haven't had a great wk, not weighing wed. Got something on n prob wouldn't go anyway. Going wk after, thinking of trying simply filling. does anyone know all the things u can have ? Xx
Haven't had a great wk, not weighing wed. Got something on n prob wouldn't go anyway. Going wk after, thinking of trying simply filling. does anyone know all the things u can have ? Xx

Have u got the Shop Guide? There's a Full List in the front there :) x
Oh yeh I have, I'll have a look. Thanks x

No Probs, I do like the sound of SF but I'm just worried about my portion sizes creeping up! Good Luck with it :) x
No Probs, I do like the sound of SF but I'm just worried about my portion sizes creeping up! Good Luck with it :) x

Thanks. Pp- ing today as I've got jumbo fish cakes n salad for dinner xx