morning guys. glad you survived the day mary. woo hoo to you. keep up the good work sam. like i said, youll be weeks in before you know it. today is the first day of week 5 for me

didnt post last night as usual, i started doing but then i got side tracked. yesterday was going fine. my sister loved her birthday cake, went shopping to get the stuff for my daughters cake for monday, bla bla bla. then i went to pick up my girls from school, and BAM. my day went to ****. just as i got on the other side of the road one of the mums i talk to at school was shouting her little girl, my daughters friend, she hadnt realised she had crossed the road, and because her mum was shouting her she decided she was coming back. a 7yr old being a 7yr old didnt think to look. and BANG. she got took out, just like that. its something i never want to have too see in my life again. i cant believe how far she flew. the guy was doing about 20 mph. and stopped instantly, bless him, it wasnt his fault, she came between 2 cars. but you know what, she got up and went and sat down at the bus stop and didnt even cry. while her mum was crying and screaming, i checked her over, while having my son and the womans other kid with me, and she didnt even have a mark on her. the guy was devastated. he just sat in the middle of the road and didnt know what to do. ambulance came and took her to make sure there was no other damage, she is absolutely fine and is in school today. cant believe it.
so last night i thought i would get an early night, and all i could see was him hit her and her body flying through the air, so much for the early night. now im thinking, wow, thats probably just changed his life. no charges were made as it really wasnt his fault, but still. he looked at me and said is she alright, and then he just sat. bless him.
which brings me to think how my mum felt when i got hit by a car when i was 3. i have a nice big scar on my forehead thats a nice big reminder, was out of it for ours and had a nice big deformed ear for a while. i guess you just never think its gonna be your kid. it makes me realise it could be anyone.
its mad really, as my other half was hit by a car when he was young and got up and walked away, the only reason he cried was because he broke his glasses and thought his mum was going to shout at him. ah, bless.
sorry about this post, i know it has nothing to do with lipo, but as its my daily diary i thought i needed to post it as it was a very stressful day, and as much as i wanted to eat, i didnt, i got through it.
so. 8 weeks to go. got weighed this morning and have lost 3 and a half lb. im happy with that. i think i could have lost more though. i went to the gym tues and wed and both days after i lost nothing. low and behold i didnt go yesterday and when i got up this morning i had lost a lb. which makes me question does the gym hinder weight loss.??? has anyone else ever had this. i am going to keep going but am going to keep an eye on my weight, as if it is stopping me losing weight i will stop the gym until i have lost my weight.
anyway. until tonight guys. keep up the good work, keep slimming
