you are a nutter... a tin of tomatoes... why!!! what on earth would make you want to eat a tin of tomoatoes..... lol... hehehe the strange things always tickle me!!!
fabbo day today, although its only 10am. but have resisted the panckakes and the hotdogs that ive cooked up to make for a packed lunch for the kids, as we are getting out of the house.... we are off to a manor and getting some fresh air, and walking... should burn off some of that crap i ate the other day! woop woop
no its fine.... ask away. im happy to tell anyone who wants to know...
ever since i was younger my mother has invaided my privacy.. she has always opened my post, letters, listened to phone calls, etc. conversations with friends... and now i thought if i lived on the other side of the world, it might be different.. but no.... she has now began to open all of my parcels (ive been having various things sent there for the wedding. and also chrissy presents etc..) sos she sent me a run down of the contents of all my parcels that have been sent. one of them she stated was A VERY SMALL DRESS!!! this really pissed me off.. because obviouslly no one over there knows about my weight loss, so they all still think im a size 20... i stuipidly had the dress sent there instead of here, and now ive had to rattle off a big lie which i hate doing to make her think its a christmas present for a different person... i hate lieing and never want anyone to lie to me. but i really just have to keep the secret that ive lost weight. i wanted this for so long, and its really annoyed me that she cant keep my privacy of parcels and other bits and pieces that are addressed to me.
so there you have it... might sounds like nothing, but when you have lieved with it your whole life ive just got soooo fed up of it!!
The cheek! I'd be more than fed up if it were me My mum is quite inquisitive about my life too, but she would never take the liberty to open my mail or listen to my conversation, etc! And I think that if she did I'd be really angry and trust me, it takes some effort to have me angry for a long time.
So no, I don't think you over reacted, on the contrary.
And don't worry about the lies. These aren't lies meant to hide the truth for the sake of hiding the truth. You just want to surprise your relatives I am not telling my mum all the truth about my weightloss, as I want my parents to have the surprise of seeing me (hopefully) 40lbs lighter at Christmas
Kes.. i agree ... it's totally unacceptable! And you should tell her so! Each and evertime she does it; she may eventually get the message. Or just never get stuff sent there again; use a friend or your sister instead?
My mum did it to me once and went through my room so I spent a week opening every piece of mail that came into the house for her (i didn't read them just opened and took out).. she soon got the message!
Oh Kes, so so sorry about your momma being like this.
I was curious the other day but thought I'd not ask just incase you thought I was being nosey (which I am!)
Glad you went out with the kids - I wonder how many calories down you are and if this 4lb loss comp is going to be fruitful???!!