Gold Member
hello my lovely ladies..... (and if there are any men out there reading)
ive been ok...
not stuck to ss+ at all... but have kinda jumped up a plan... roughly (apart from yesterday) i think ive been doing the 810 plan...
sort of.....
friday night after having pretty much another breakdown, i decided right my body wants something... and its food... so i had a very small portion (roughly 240cals/29g carbs) of chicken Korma with my husband.
i made sure it was put on a bread and butter plate, and told him thats how big i want my meals to be from now on.
it was lush, and it was super to eat again, and i felt happy... little guilty... and a little disapointed in myself that i couldnt keep up my 100% ss+ (4 shakes +milk) but it was amazing to eat....
saturday was tough.. got to the first aid cert course, and there were bicccies galllorrree!! but i said to myself that i would love one, and if i really wanted one i could have one in the afternoon...
so i got to lunch time, and poped over to tesco and picked up a pack of the fridge raiders (NICE!) and a pack of chicken pieces. and had those with a choc shake (tetra one) it was nice because i got to have the shake in private, but then sat out with everyone else and had the chicken... next week ive ordered another pack of fridge raiders in the shop thats coming tomorrow, but i wont have the chicken pieces as i thought it was too much...
then in the afternoon i had a choc digestive and that was it
when i got home, hubby had some friends over, and he quietly asked me if it was ok if we went out for dinner wiht them as they had asked....
i said yes, lets do it. i knew that if we didnt then i would go back to feeling depressed about not being able to be social... i know this diet isnt something you can be overly social with, and i dont think thats for me... i am a social person (most of the time) but i do love being at home and i am a home bunny.... so we went to the pub, and i had every intention on being good, eating a small meal without potatoes/rice/pasta/fried foods...... i kinda stuck to it... i knew that (from last nights meal) that my stomach is not the size it was... its not what it used to be, so i only wanted a small meal... i looked at the starters, and thought i could just have one of those as my main... but they were either, cheesy, fried, covered in sauce or just plain horrid. (goats cheese and black pudding!!! YUCK!!) so i looked and looked and it took me a jolly long time to choose..... but decided that a 5oz steak with scampi (as my hubby loves scampi i was going to give them to him) and asked for no chips, no peas, just salad...
i got into a slight panic, as i forgot to ask for no dressing.... but luckly it came with the dressing in a small pot next to it...(thank goodness) and i looked at the meal and thought woop woop love it.. had some tomato ketchup (normally i will hvae peppercorn sauce with steak) and i had a couple of the scampi, but gave the rest to hubby... so i had a 440 cal/20g carb meal (which i didnt think was too bad for a meal...... (considering what i would have normally had... i would hate to think) i didnt have a pudding (had a mouthful of hubby's profiteroles just so i could have a teste (they were yummy))
today ive been good, had porridge in the morning, mint choc shake (thanks rumbly ive now become addicted!! lol) and for dinner we had thai green curry.. (made from a premade paste (that we wouldnt not normally have had but we are using up the cub ingredients so we have more space for new fresh stuff) so that was 270cals/ 32g carbs which was a little more than i expected.... and i had a bit more rice than i prob should have had... i have asked hubby just to give me 50g cooked. (not sure waht that is dry...) and he can have loads....
i am happy, im full of life today. and i have enjoyed the meals i have had
so i think that from now, im going to kinda go up a plan.. but prob mix things up a little as i would love to try not eat at work (otherwise it might eventuate in snacking on crap) so im going to stick to ss/ss+ during the week monday-thursday and then friday night i finish earlier than normal, and i get to sit with my hubby and eat a meal, if we are having anything special i will adjust it accordingly... but if we are not going out then i will stick to plan as much as possible.
im feeling really positive... and happy...
i know that my weight loss isnt going to be as much as what it would be if i had just the pack, but right now i am not interested overly in numbers (although it is nice to see them going down..) i want my dress to fit me, i dont want to get to australia and go oh my gosh i can eat now and scoff the country down....
if anyone has any advice please feel free to give it to me.. if you think i am making a big mistake go for it let me know.. i want to know what you all think.. and what i can get from you i always take on board!!!!
ive been ok...
not stuck to ss+ at all... but have kinda jumped up a plan... roughly (apart from yesterday) i think ive been doing the 810 plan...
sort of.....
friday night after having pretty much another breakdown, i decided right my body wants something... and its food... so i had a very small portion (roughly 240cals/29g carbs) of chicken Korma with my husband.
i made sure it was put on a bread and butter plate, and told him thats how big i want my meals to be from now on.
it was lush, and it was super to eat again, and i felt happy... little guilty... and a little disapointed in myself that i couldnt keep up my 100% ss+ (4 shakes +milk) but it was amazing to eat....
saturday was tough.. got to the first aid cert course, and there were bicccies galllorrree!! but i said to myself that i would love one, and if i really wanted one i could have one in the afternoon...
so i got to lunch time, and poped over to tesco and picked up a pack of the fridge raiders (NICE!) and a pack of chicken pieces. and had those with a choc shake (tetra one) it was nice because i got to have the shake in private, but then sat out with everyone else and had the chicken... next week ive ordered another pack of fridge raiders in the shop thats coming tomorrow, but i wont have the chicken pieces as i thought it was too much...
then in the afternoon i had a choc digestive and that was it
when i got home, hubby had some friends over, and he quietly asked me if it was ok if we went out for dinner wiht them as they had asked....
i said yes, lets do it. i knew that if we didnt then i would go back to feeling depressed about not being able to be social... i know this diet isnt something you can be overly social with, and i dont think thats for me... i am a social person (most of the time) but i do love being at home and i am a home bunny.... so we went to the pub, and i had every intention on being good, eating a small meal without potatoes/rice/pasta/fried foods...... i kinda stuck to it... i knew that (from last nights meal) that my stomach is not the size it was... its not what it used to be, so i only wanted a small meal... i looked at the starters, and thought i could just have one of those as my main... but they were either, cheesy, fried, covered in sauce or just plain horrid. (goats cheese and black pudding!!! YUCK!!) so i looked and looked and it took me a jolly long time to choose..... but decided that a 5oz steak with scampi (as my hubby loves scampi i was going to give them to him) and asked for no chips, no peas, just salad...
today ive been good, had porridge in the morning, mint choc shake (thanks rumbly ive now become addicted!! lol) and for dinner we had thai green curry.. (made from a premade paste (that we wouldnt not normally have had but we are using up the cub ingredients so we have more space for new fresh stuff) so that was 270cals/ 32g carbs which was a little more than i expected.... and i had a bit more rice than i prob should have had... i have asked hubby just to give me 50g cooked. (not sure waht that is dry...) and he can have loads....
i am happy, im full of life today. and i have enjoyed the meals i have had
so i think that from now, im going to kinda go up a plan.. but prob mix things up a little as i would love to try not eat at work (otherwise it might eventuate in snacking on crap) so im going to stick to ss/ss+ during the week monday-thursday and then friday night i finish earlier than normal, and i get to sit with my hubby and eat a meal, if we are having anything special i will adjust it accordingly... but if we are not going out then i will stick to plan as much as possible.
im feeling really positive... and happy...
i know that my weight loss isnt going to be as much as what it would be if i had just the pack, but right now i am not interested overly in numbers (although it is nice to see them going down..) i want my dress to fit me, i dont want to get to australia and go oh my gosh i can eat now and scoff the country down....
if anyone has any advice please feel free to give it to me.. if you think i am making a big mistake go for it let me know.. i want to know what you all think.. and what i can get from you i always take on board!!!!