clairem87 said:
kes kes kes!! youre silly!! to hell if you have picked at some (healthy) food!!! compare what you now are to what you were and look at what youve achieved as opposed to when youve slipped up!!! youre an inspiration and have done so well! dont forget it!! xxx
Hun, you made me cry....
I don't at all see myself as an inspiration. I am just seeing myself as a failure at cd.... I can't stick to it because.... I'm plain and out right greedy I think, and if I think about something I want I have to have it, no matter what.
I have got more to go in my weightloss journey, so I do not see myself. Being finished....
I want to lose weight... but just can't get my head in the cd zone. So that said, I think you are all right, its because I'm nervous, stressed (up until 10 mins ago I couldn't find my passport and I was starting to panic because I can't just apply for a new one, because of the visa side of things so it was going to end up a cancelled trip.. stress or what) I am also excited.... and in that is the push to get even smaller because there are a lot of people to impress..
I've put a lot of pressure on myself, and I think I do it in general life itself... I'm never happy unless I'm stressing over something that prob doesn't need to be stressed over..
So this week, I'm not set out to push myself into a nervous break down the day we leave. I'm set out to enjoy the rush of getting last min things done. Not sure if I'm going to get time to finish the last 5 days of shred. But I'm going to try. And um still going to have some packs and try my best... if I get into the 10's fab, if not ill be blooming close enough

That said here is a catch up
11stone 3lbs.. went up a bit..
Ate various naughty things on Friday and we went out for a meal as our last thing with hubbys parents before we go... and had pate for starter, steak for main, and shared a very small choc Orange pudding with my husband.... I was stuffed!
11stone 2.8lbs... wtf... how on earth after what I ate last night can I be that..
We had for breakfast little pancakes with a bit of butter...
Attempted to do the shred, got half way through it, and I got really bad tummy pains.... good old period makes an entrance, I've not had pain like that before!!! So I had to stop

so I'm another day behind....
Then we were out all day.. first the saga of I couldn't find ny passport and then I was in the bank with hubby to transfer money to aus, as I couldn't do it because I can't find my passport, my email with my parents details on it just vanished.... no where to be seen again... put me in a right mood... my stress levels were through the roof... got so pee'd off I went and sat in the car and cried hubby went and git some bits to take to friends house we were going to... bless him he even got my fave bits and bobs to cheer me up a bit... love him to bits!
So we went off, I had a roll with ham, lettuce, cucumber, and what my hubby thought was my fave hummous, (which is the caramalised onion one) it was morrocan hummous which was just as nice... some sensations caramelised onion crisps (i think I like caramelised onion) and some cocktail sausages..and then some little tiny cake thing which was nice..
I was then asked (as my other half already is) to be god mother of their tiny little baby.... I almost cried! She has a god mother already, but they wanted a second one, and they chose me... I was over whelmed.... she was 10 weeks early, but she was the size of about 24 weeks so she was in Cambridge for a while, then luton, then moved to her local hospital.... she is now 6lbs 1oz... and she is 4 months old. She is beautiful.... ill post a pic when I get one up onto the computer.... any way I'm babbling big style! That was really sweet and lovely that they chose me
We then moved onto another friends house, which we had Chinese, I had satay chicken which was lovely, nice and full of loads of veg and chicken, and I had a small amount of rice.... then we had some Tesco rocky road dessert.. which was lush. So had a small bit of that...
So that brings me up to now... what do I weigh on Sunday morning....
I dunno I've not got on the scales yet to find out.... I'm here on my phone, after having another look for my passport which I have now found, and the stress of that gone is fab... and I'm lying in bed with a snoring hubby, and chilling writing all this on my phone... sooo ill up date you when I get on those scales...