Recipes Keto Recipes

Mmmm total food porn. I can taste almond and lemon from here.
Made this tonight and it may well be my go to low carb comfort food for rainy nights -

A few changes, I used bacon lardons and fried off those and the onions before adding a bag of (defrosted) cauliflower. Also 1 cup of sour cream is not enough so mixed a small pot with about 200g cream cheese. I also don't know how they got 9 serves from it, but I plugged it into MFP and made it 6 serves, and it came in at 13g carbs and 273 cals, which may be too high for some.

Tastes yum though! Next time I'll add seeded mustard mmm. It is VERY filling!
I just checked out that sugar free londoner's xmas pudding recipe. Sounds delish.
I buy some ingredients off Amazon as the supermarkets are expensive and Lidl doesn't always have what I need.

I just got some wonderful organic raw coconut flour at the same price as regular coconut flour. I'll put a picture below. Often I buy bulk powders as their quality is consistent. I find coconut flour and psyllium flour lasts forever (long after the use by date). Sesame, flax and almonds need using up or keeping in the fridge as the fats can turn.

Lidl ground almonds are quite rough on texture - but I like that they are now the same price or lower than almond flour from Amazon. Lidl usually has coconut oil - but doesn't always have full fat coconut milk. If I'm in London, I sometimes buy sesame seeds from a Lebanese shop.

So Diet Doctor's meat pie is as awesome as ever.

I used Lidl own brand cottage cheese. It makes better top than Tesco's. I have a couple of times whizzed the cottage and regular cheese with an egg or substituted some cream cheese in the topping. All are good. Today I just followed the recipe.

The casing is really useful. You can make quiches etc - always bake before you add a filling. It's a bit tricky spreading is out round the pan. You may need to patch a bit. A good job for a child if you have free kid labour!

I cooked the onion - no garlic as I didn't have any. Sometimes I add garlic powder with tgd meat - but I saved the carbs today. Then I added a chopped celery stick - just cooked it a bit - which was perfect as it added a nice texture to the pie. I used thyme and oregano as that's what I had in the wild garden. 500g of 20% fat beef was enough - and actually I had a good few spoonfuls of meat sauce left over as thd pie would have been overfilled.

You have to gently smoosh the topping on so it's even.

I loosen the pastry with a knife if I use a spring form round tin ( great prices at TK Max). This is better if you have guests as the pie come out. I put the base of the tin on a pint glass once I've eased it and thd outside comes down ok. Take care the bar is stable if you find want pie across the table! Remove to cut. This isn't necessary if I use my silicon round "tin" - but slices aren't as good looking!

Highly recommended.


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I've been meaning to try the pie but thought it looked a bit of a faff - but it does look amazing!
The only faff is pushing the pie case into the tin - as it bakes while you cook the mince. The filling is just a mince sauce - and the top takes just a couple of minutes.

I have also found a mince "pie" that has no case but cuts like a pie. Maybe I'll try that another time.
Recipe from the Guardian Autumn recipes. I love coronation chicken - which was always a celebration dish in the 1960s and 1970s. Chicken cost 2 or 3 times what it costs now. This is a veggie low carb alternative. Cut or reduce the onions for lower carb.

Yotam Ottolenghi’s curried egg and cauliflower salad

Curried egg and cauliflower salad by Yotam Ottolenghi.
Yotam Ottolenghi’s curried egg and cauliflower salad. Photograph: Jonathan Lovekin/The Observer
This is what coronation chicken would taste like if you replaced the chicken with cauliflower and hard-boiled egg. An introduction which possibly makes no sense until you eat it for yourself. If you are missing the chicken side of the equation, then you could do worse than serve this with said bird, roasted on the weekend.

Serves 4-6
cauliflower 1 medium (500g), trimmed and broken into 3-4cm florets; keeping the tender leaves
onion 1 (180g), cut into 1cm thick wedges
olive oil 2 tbsp
mild curry powder 1 tbsp
salt and black pepper
large eggs
Greek-style yogurt 100g
mayonnaise 50g
Aleppo chilli flakes 1 tsp (or ½ tsp regular chilli flakes)
cumin seeds 1 tsp, toasted and roughly crushed
lemons 2 – 1 squeezed to get 1 tbsp juice and the second cut into 4-6 wedges, to serve
tarragon 10g, roughly chopped

Turn the oven to its highest setting. Mix the cauliflower florets (with any young leaves attached) in a large bowl with the onion, oil, 2 teaspoons of curry powder, ¾ teaspoon of salt and plenty of pepper. Once combined, spread out on a large parchment-lined baking tray and roast for 15 minutes, until soft and golden-brown but still retaining a bite. Remove from the oven and set aside to cool.

Fill a medium pan with plenty of water and bring to the boil on a high heat. Reduce the heat to medium-high, then carefully lower in the eggs and boil gently for 10 minutes, until hard-boiled.

Drain the eggs, then return them to the same pan filled with running cold water to stop them cooking.

Once cool, peel the eggs, place them in a large bowl and break them roughly with the back of a fork to form large chunks.

In a separate small bowl, mix together the yogurt, mayonnaise, the remaining 1 teaspoon of curry powder, half the Aleppo chilli flakes, the cumin, the lemon juice and ¼ teaspoon of salt. Add the sauce to the eggs, along with the cauliflower and onion and the tarragon. Mix together well, spoon the mixture on to a large plate, then sprinkle over the remaining chilli flakes and serve, along with the lemon wedges.
From Ottolenghi Simple by Yotam Ottolenghi (Ebury Press, £25)
Chocolate mousse made with avocado? o_O Yes, really! I made this for dessert on Sunday and it was scrummy. I had two instant requests for the recipe :D

I should have taken a photo before serving it but it looked just like the ones in the article:
Mirning all, im looking for recipe suggestions for smoothies for breakfast. Sweet or savoury, i dont mind. Im stuck in a rut with my berries, almonds and flaxseed. Something i can whizz up at 6.30am and carry to work for 11am breakfast

Thanks for sharing this - there are so many ideas! I have never eaten so much cauliflower as in this last two months, especially as the pasta replacement in a chicken Alfredo type dish and mashed with salt, pepper and lots of cheese for a delicious replacement for mashed potato. I haven't got around to trying it as a pizza base yet and never used it as 'cake' - I'm intrigued though :)
Keto flaxseed bread recipe

I got this off facebook so not sure whose original recipe it was. It looks great, tastes overwhelmingly of flaxseed but is palatable covered in low carb jam- I would make this again but would probably try and mix it up by adding extra flavours to make it nicer on it;'s own (mixed spice or cinnamon and some sweetener or garlic/cheese.bacon etc

But is a very simple recipe which is the kind I like. It's meant to freeze well and you can preslice and freeze so you can just grab a slice and toast.

6 large/7 medium eggs
125g melted butter,
30 gram melted coconut oil,
250g milled flaxseed/linseed,
1tsp baking powder,
1/2 tsp xantham gum

break the eggs into a bowl, beat for 2 mins with an electric whisk/beater
add melted fat, beat another minute

add dry ingredients beat until incorporated

put in a loaf tin and level out then in a preheated to 180 oven for 45 mins (middle shelf)

net carbs will depend on number of slices and the variety of flaxseed, i've got one that has goji berries in and so is higher carb so i think we are looking at 20ish carbs for this (~2 a slice) but with plain linseed you could have it be very low indeed.

No pictures as I had these at my mums. A while ago I found a recipe for low carb yorkshire puddings which I gave my mum because she makes them from scratch (I pre low carb stuck to aunt bessies) and she decided because yorkshire batter and pancake batter are similar she'd try making pancakes with the batter. And they taste just like normal pancakes!

The recipe is
80ml cream
1 egg
3 tsps arrowroot.

Put the cream and egg in a bowl and whisk while adding the arrowroot so it doesn't clump and then your batter is ready.

Arrowroot is a bit controversial in Keto - it's not strictly speaking low carb, as it's a flour and getting a definite carb value seems to be difficult on the internet but it's around 80g-88g per 100g. but you use so much less than you would a normal flour so you are looking at 12 -13g carbs for this recipe.

It makes one huge yorkshire in a tray which you would then split (presumably it would also work in smaller yorkshires too) or 4 to 5 crepe style pancakes which I'm happy to spend 12 carbs on as I'm more lowcarb that strick keto - I've tried a coconut flour pancake which works out at 7g for 3 little american style pancakes (but mainly because the coconut flour from aldi is not as low carb as ones from amazon) but I'm using it up.) but really these taste more like real crepes than the coconut flour ones do like real american pancakes (though they are still nice.)