Kims Pregnancy/Weight Loss Diary - Fat n Frumpy to Yummy Mummy :D

40 Weeks pregnant !!

Well its officially my due date today so he guarenteed to be here within the next 2 weeks !! Xx

Had my sweep today n she said I'm already 4cm dialated !! And to make sure my bags r packd cos its gna happen very soon wooohooo finally :D xxx
Didn't u mean Tuesday rose please check ur ball agen...iv started contractin n dnt fancy these pains til thurs :( xxx
hmm..lets see? does start with a T! yep, its tuesday..or very early hours of wednesday..e.g...just after midnight! ;)

oooh i'm excited for you, ask the midwife to keep posting to me while you grab the gas and air! ha ha
Update for lady rose...Iv been up hospital all nite n jus come home now cos baby is back to back n my bodys contractin but cnt push his head down so I'm at home in agony tryin to get him to move so his head drops abit more xxx
Been contractin for 17hrs not had a wink of sleep and the baby still hasn't moved round so contractions rnt long enough to push him down...sick!! X
John Nathan born at 9.43 this mrnin...finally :D he's jus perfect xxx

awww Kim...massive congratulations to you and hubby xxxx

what a cutie :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

..and is it my imagine or is he having a wee grin at keeping us all waiting???? hee hee

he's gorgeous Kim, well done you!!!!!

I love his name too, very classy :)

now try to get a little rest..if the excitement of it all allows you to!

thankyou so much for letting me (and everyone else!) know xxxx

I look forward to hearing all about it, weight etc... when you are rested and relaxed!!! :)
Phew Iv just never stopped to pop on n full u all in lol these lil boys take all my time up at the mo.
Well I had the sweep on tues mrnin at half nine n cudn believe I was already 4cm dialated. By twelve I was contractin so I went into hospital about 4 wher they told me he was back to back and that my body was tryin to move him down but couldn't til he turned so they sent me home to bounce on my ball !! This was at 8 and I was still in agony contractin. Managed to get my son sorted n that but I was up all night in agony havin contacts evry 5 mins. By 7am I couldn't take anymore so got hubby up n went back in hospital abt 8am. Went str8 on gas n air, waters broke at 9.30 n he poppd out at 9.43 without gas n air as they took it off me !!

Id do it all again he is perfect :)

Now to start concertratin on gettin this weight off !!

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awww wondeful recap hun..i felt i was there with you the past few weeks..right up to the actual labour!

it IS a pain you forget eh?..that's why we go on to have another, then another..then..... tee hee

enjoy your new addition, keep well and post when you find a spare 2 mins again!!!

CONGRATULATIONS once more, very well done! x