my boss was really good about it all. I took the high road and said I was leaving because I didn't want to work and travel into London anymore (which I don't) and that I needed a job which could support us properly (my hubbys company is looking a bit shaky at the moment and we can't live on my current salary alone) She tried to convince me to stay, but said she understood why.
I felt a bit guilty having to tell her. She is nice, its the owner of the company thats the problem. I did say this, in diplomatic terms of course
No gardening leave unfortunately, but I don't have to go in the office much anymore, probably only 3 times before Xmas, and I'm not to go to customer meetings, except very long standing customers to say goodbye. There are probably only 4 that fit in that category, so mostly I'll be working from home. Last day in the office will be the 23rd. Then start he new job om the 4th Jan! Am really excited about it cos I've sold the same type of thing all my career, to the same types of people. This new job is selling specialist travel & expense management software to financial directors etc, so completely different to what I do now.
just need to get my passport sorted - they do a weeks training course, and there may be a chance its in Seattle. Of course it could be in Slough!