Gold Member
Mrs.S. said:Hahaha - am I that predictable?? xx
It was either gonna be you or JVS
Mrs.S. said:Hahaha - am I that predictable?? xx
... and NO biscuits!
Okay, my jacket was black inside (!) when I vut into it so I had to get something else. Ended up with Chicken breast, with broccoli, carrotd, tomatoes, cucumber and peppers. Depending on whats in the supermakret on my way home I might swap to a red day and have butternut squash & veg with my Pepper & Beef stew tonight. Then I will use my HEB & 2nd HEA on some ryvita & philly light..
jane123 said:I hate that! Black spuds. I'm not too sure yet on red and green days as I've only done extra easy so far. I need to study the book. We are having hotpot and it's cooked and ready to eat once my granddaughters have gone home.
Hotpot sounds lovely. Do you have a recipe I can nick
So no butternut squash in m&s so new potatoes & some carrots, broccoli, baby corn & green beans were had with my spicy pepper & beef stew.
No Syns yet, might have a kItkat 5.5 Syns with a cup of tea using milk from my hea.
Here's a link to my diary. I put the recipe on there. I had used a knorr stockpot vegetable but actually prefer a couple of beef stock cubes. That's what I'll use next time.
Basically I cook it all together any old how and it always turns out ok, as long as the meat is cooked for long enough.
Spicy pepper and beef stew sounds lovely. I should try that.
If I had Kitkats in the house they'd be eaten by now. That's my problem really - I can never stop at one![]()
kingleds said:Had a dark kit kat (5.5 Syns) last night after my dinner (which was lush!)
Food plan for today
Breakfast : omelette with cheese, tomatoes & mushrooms
Lunch: Carribean chicken (peppers, onions, garlic, mushrooms & tomatoes) with a few new potatoes
Snack: apple & fibre plus bar (heb)
Dinner:SW beef madras with rice & vegetables
Tomorrow will be something for dinner which does not have beef in it!
Shirleen said:Looking good hun xxxx
What do you 'do' at the gym? A class? Programme? Freestyle?
kingleds said:I go to a teeny tiny gym with my hubby & do a 40min workout. Usually 20 mins on a mix of the treadmill & bike, then lifting weights (high rep, low weight). The gym only has a treadmill, crosstrainer, rower & 2 bikes plus the weights so its perfect for me & as we go about 7pm its usually empty.
I've started taking my own 1kg dumbells with me & i do bicep & tricep curls whilst doing my 10 min fast walk (have not quite got the courage up to try running yet). I always vary it up as well. Sometimes my 10 min walk is just plain, sometimes i put it on a hill climb or random. Same with my 10 min on the bike.
Basically, i try & keep my heart rate in the fat burning range for as much of it as possible.
I can't face going to classes - i haveno rhythum & have been known to fall over doing normal aerobivs let alone zumba!
jane123 said:Hi kingleds
You sound so energetic. Maybe in a stone or two I'll have more get up and go
I enjoy a leisurely amble up and down the pool. I'm slowly working on getting back to 40 lengths three times a week, but it's taking some time!
My brother rang me tell me about a programme he'd just watched. He reckons that 1 minutes vigorous exercise done 3 times a week and split into 20 second bursts is as good as anything for improving health. I didn't see it so can't confirm the accuracy of that. It'd be good if it's true![]()
kingleds said:Not lovin getting a train at 6.30amaside from anything else its freezing!
Today is a dodgy day plan wise.
Have my fruit, yog & a fibre plus bar (heb) with me to eat on the train.
Am taking a customer for lunch so hopefully there is a jacket potato & or salad on the menu.
Dinner is my hm fishpie (using my hea for philly light) and vegetables.