Hello world.
How is everyone? I'm tired but good.
Had a small drama with the kitties yesterday, they're both a bit sneezy and coldy so took them to the vet to be on the safe side. They have a little bit of cat flu but they're eating and drinking, and playing. So they're on antibiotics for a week and are getting lots of cuddles. Although this is the first time they will have been left on their own all day so I'm gonna worry ALL day.
On another note, I have some other news.
Went to weigh in last night. After doing a week of hardcore red (other than saturday), I was hoping to get a couple of pounds off. But no, in normal dramatic style, I lost 4.5lbs, which takes me to TARGET!!!
I'm rather chuffed to say the least
I'm going to stick plan as normal this week, as I have a hell of a week next week, so just want to give myself a bit of a buffer.
So here is today's diary.
Tuesday 1st March - Green Day
Breakfast - Banana with 42g All Bran (HexB1) and skimmed milk (part of HexA1).
Snack - Chocolate - 8 syns.
Lunch - Beans on toast (Hex B2). Satsumas.
Snack - Plums and some Kallo rice cakes if I need (4.5 syns)
Dinner - chilli penne cooked with onion, toms, peppers and mushrooms, with quorn sausage chopped in. Shape Zero.