Kirsty - Determined it will work :)

Thanks everyone just gtn ready to go

1381342613903.jpg dinner before wi

Wee quiche for after split wi mum n sis


Doggies today

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Well done for your loss :) xxx

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Hi Kirsty - well done - you lost and a loss is a loss is a loss!!! Don't get too frustrated and down, you are doing all the right things - I'm sure you will catch up next week.
You are doing fab hun - just keep at it :D
Thursday 10th October - EE

B - 2 x small brown bread, ham, cheese triangle, pear and green tea

L - Lentil and veg soup

S - Strawberries, orange and grapes

D - Chicken Korma (3 syns for coconut milk), wanted a proper curry with added veg (Leek, onion, mushrooms, celery, courgette and red chillis) with syn free chips/rice

S - Fruit and ff yoghurt tonight

Syns - 3
Weekly - 3/105
Well done on your loss, I know you're disappointed, I was the same yesterday but you're doing everything right and it will show. Just keep your chin up and keep on going you're doing really well x x x
Some pics from today... Had loads of veg in the fridge for a while that needed cooking(peppers, butternut squash, carrots, onions, courgette) just roasted it all with a bulb of garlic (put the cloves in to the soup too) sprayed with frylight, seasoning and rosemary. Added it to 2 litres of veg stock and blitzed it :) going to put it in the freezer ready for easy lunches at some point soon!

the other was dinner tonight :)

sorry Kirsty I didn't navigate out from reading your thread before posting on mine :/ I don't know how to delete it... Xxx

I've just emailed admin to remove it.. sorry again xxx


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Ok thank you :) x

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