Kirsty - Determined it will work :)

It's probably a good job it's us women, men couldn't hack it lol x x x
It's probably a good job it's us women, men couldn't hack it lol x x x
So true haha!!

Txt paul there said i don't feel emotional etc nemore its passed he said good i don't need hear you moaning haha cheeky sod but he did tell me buy the house stuff i wanted as i get discount today on bhs as mum works there and my discount card so almost half price goodies and he give me the money as i skint yayyyy more for our wee house!! Can't wait to move in!! Just need him get a new job up here and we sorted x

Yeah i tend to aim for around 70-75 syns a week and use them mostly at weekend to enjoy my weekends as freely as possible its worked so far for me.

During the week i don't usually have many syns

That's fab, I am the same. Don't really use many syns during the week and would like a few extra at the weekend.
I am going to give it a go and not try and force myself to eat syns I don't want.

Kate ;)
I get paranoid! Only a few days before, like OMG WHAT IF I COME ON IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT AND BLEED EVERYWHERE or if I'm out and I come on etc.

I'm ratty too lol :D

Haha im awful sometimes I get para that paul gonna split wi me for no reason lol poor boy gets a hard life haha!! Im moody too haha!! Good to see u back missed your chat x

That's fab, I am the same. Don't really use many syns during the week and would like a few extra at the weekend.
I am going to give it a go and not try and force myself to eat syns I don't want.

Kate ;)

No problem let me know how you get on x

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Yesterday because of amount fruit/veg i ate was probably se but i put ee to be safe!!

Today is ee i think

Friday 4th October - EE

B - 2 x brown bread small, cheese triangle and chicken with an orange and green tea

L - Prawn salad

S - grapes

D - chicken and pepperoni melt (3.5) baked potato with cheese and roasted veg

Syns - 8 syns on roses and dinner 3.5
Weekly - 11.5/105

TBC on rest as i know ill have some syns tonight probably!!
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Thats me with star week im determined ill lose n get my target!!

Having a down day as out for lunch and only thing on menu I could have is baked potato and beans n cheese I wanted a salad bur all had beer glazed mwnus doesnt help when bf having 3 diff mini burgers and chips arghhhhh x

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Well done on getting in the 10's, you'll be at target in no time :D x x x

Thanks not sw scales so doesnt rly count but made me so happy

Today 5th october 2013 - EE

B - grapess and hifi light bar

L - baked tattie beans and cheese with salad

S - 5 roses 10 syns

D - half a chinese chicken curry n half fried rice any ideas say 10?

S - going pauls bros I got two small bottles wine low alcohol 11 syns

Syns 31
Weekly - 42.5/105

Proud I planned my night
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Wow kirst you're looking fab!! Loving the before and now pics!! Are you really pleased?! Paul must be loving you're new slinky bod too??!! :) xx

Thanks hun how was your holiday?

Im really pleased so much more confident so thats main thing and yeah he does hes been so supportive which helps a lot :)

Today is a ee day

Brunch - 3 egg omlette with courgette and onion

D - stuffed red pepper with cous cous and chilli 2 syns for chilli sachet rest chilli on bed of salad and cheese hex a then dessert was apple pie (8) and custard had hardly any 5

Syns - 15
Weekly - 57.5/105

Mums making apple pie and custard any ideas how much a tiny bit would be? Also any ideas so I can have a bit and enjoy ie using fruit wi custard over it or something?

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That pepper looks amazing! Xx

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