Kirsty's cruising forward & not looking back

thankyou gorgeous ;) its kinda clicked,,,just dont think about food now, still enjoy making my dukan meals but not about food all time, so v happy!
Feel like been naughty today (for want of better word?!)
bfast made 2 egg sweet omlette/pancake with 2 rashers bacon, fat removed and had a drizzle of maple flavour fat & sugar free syrup over,,OMG LUSh!!

Then had nowt till tea time (6hrs wrk then straight up hosp Mair my daughter had braces fitted poor dap) apart from a coffee and lots water....tea was chicken breasts x 2 v small (cook from frozen) bag of shiritake noodles and spoonful of philly, & garlic and tiny half bit of spring onion ,,,had dukan porridge at 9pm, but really for a pp day i felt like i was cheating!
going to sleep now capooped, 7hrs booked in tom, non stop cleaning from 8.30 very satisfying,hard work but ipod is loaded ready!!
ooo hard week, hospital appts/kids parties/concerts/ lots of extra work for me/ feeling crap sore throat achy/car trouble (again) /xmas shopping/xmas decs/poorly bunny/ebay weirdos driving me mad!/ generallyfeellikeamdoingeverything/great dukanning though!!

its that time of year where us ladies feel like everything is left to us!! Ah well its all worth it! Really got to say no to extra work, meeting myself coming backwards! I need to think about taking someone else on,,just taken on another a full house clean one off before xmas, hard work cos havent been b4 I wont be on top of it, but i can charge extra as more to do.

Am tired, been feeling crap all week, sore throat, so painful, not like my normal thrat pain, more like tonsilitus, its gone but am achy and yuk. been coming home and going to beed as soon as able.

FAb dukanning though, dont even think about it, had cottage pie this week for first time, lush with cauli mash and ketchup over top ;-)
STS all week ;/ then as usual Sat morn weight loss! another 2lb off, yey only 3lb to go to true weight omg i feel amazing! So excited about moving on! Will have celebration meal as xmas day meal!!

right gotta go get Zachy boy to football match have great weekend xx
Another great loss and positive postand great loss Kirsty xxx dont let it get too much, always someone wanting work xxx Have a good Dukan weekend xxx
Thats amazing Kirsty! You're sooooooo close! You are the pajamas of a cat!

Try to take some time to relax. Sounds like you're running yourself ragged!

Brill weight loss though - what a Fab Xmas pressie to yourself!
Evening Kirsty xxx hope youve had a good Dukan weekend
Hi !
Yes great weekend but busy, went out at half 6 dressed as a geek ;/ with hubby to a bday party , i will post phots in a mo. Drank lots of vodka at house party, no food, they all went to town but hubby and I jumped taxi on way and went to local pub instead! Didnt fancy town! Didnt really know group well and they were young!
Had laugh in pub, was starving, hubby wanted chinese but we had a bag of pork scratchings between 4 of us lol Came home and had dukan porridge, was very proud then hubby came upstairs with an open box of maltesers OMG OMG I cracked and had loads! I had loads of them sunday and a bag of french fries crisps!!! So although i felt thin and enjoyed comments about weightloss up pub I am still vunerable and I now realise what conso and stabilization is for!!!
A great lesson , pv yesterday sunday roast to soak up hangover,,pp today and its been great, scared me losing control.

Ok ladies neeed ur advice, my girl is 12 (13 in march) she ahs a growth condition (Hemihypertrophy) it (we) doesnt stop her doing anything but her legs are very stiff esp in morning, tight hamstrings and calf muscles, she is lazy too, really saying it sounds so horrible but she is. She isnt very active refuses to do her stretches unless we make her/encourage/bribe her and has piled on the pounds since age of 9 she loves all food including anything I make dukan style.

So now yr8 and body concious, nothing fits, she is in ladies size 12, her trousers now fit me better ;( I have avoided any action other than encouraging healthy eating I dont want to give her any issues at 12 ;-( BUT I also realise now she is getting bigger, I hoped it was puppy fat/growing etc I was a rake until in my 20's and after kids so I never had similar as a child. I do want to protect her but i know she wants to change her shape, esp round tummy.
So today she announced she wanted to do dukan, I told her she cant , she said she wants to, we talked about it and decided she can do higher protein and veg with oatbran and jelly yog etc. I found online and in book Dr dukan says teens can do dukan , follow conso only and I also found a forum where 2 mothers 13yr old sons followed conso with no celebration meal and got great results. I dont want her to do PP days, I dont want her to be miserable, I dont want her to have food issues, am I encouraging her to have an issue or am I encouraging her to take control and eat much healthier following conso??
Its soooo hard ;-( HELP!!!
mmmmmmmmmmmmm think your going to get a lot of mixed views on this subject. You know your daughter best. My uneducated opinion would be to to try portion control at that age and hopefully that would be enough as excluding food groups as her body matures I dont know how it would affect her ie. periods. Reducing carbs not exclude and increase veg xxx
thanks Sid, I too think reduce carbs and increase veg, with maybe higher protein foods, done portion and done healthy eating before for her but i was doing slimming world and she enjoyed same foods, i stopped and did dukan and she just eats what hubby and boys eat.... I am thinking of doing healthy eating for her along dukan lines but still with 2 slices brown bread, all fruit , and limit treats and snacks like on slimming world, not saying no to treats but not having so many, not in packed lunches AND after tea AND again at supper.
That sounds sensible xxx i wonder what the other girls who started dieting at a young age think??? Probs get some posts tomorrow now, interesting to see what they suggest through there experiences xxx
I'm probably not much use. I wish I'd done more about my weight at that age. By end of primary school I was in a 12 minimum and that was a 16 when I was 14. I did lose a bit through healthy eating but piled it all on as I couldn't control it. Particularly when I had control of money for lunch. A roll v a pot noodle crisps and sweets? They win every time.

I'd say conso (with restrained galas) but don't say an absolute no to anything. I hid what I was eating when it wasn't allowed... Moderation and control is key.

Can u make her stretches fun? Yoga on the wii etc? Or active teens classes??

I'm probably not much use. I wish I'd done more about my weight at that age. By end of primary school I was in a 12 minimum and that was a 16 when I was 14. I did lose a bit through healthy eating but piled it all on as I couldn't control it. Particularly when I had control of money for lunch. A roll v a pot noodle crisps and sweets? They win every time.

I'd say conso (with restrained galas) but don't say an absolute no to anything. I hid what I was eating when it wasn't allowed... Moderation and control is key.

Can u make her stretches fun? Yoga on the wii etc? Or active teens classes??


U are of great use thankyou!! And to u Sid!
Ok heres the plan so far,,,meals are planned out and healthy, treats are ok but limited, meals based on dukan veg and protein with pasta and rice sometimes,,kinda conso,,defo protein bfast no more sugary cereals or croissant s!!!
We know the answeris exercise and healthy eating along with portions , so thats what we will do, mair has planned with me our meals for this week, she is having chicken curry tomorrow i will have cauli rice she will have a measured amount of rice, not the huge plateful shewould normally have for example.
The wii is now in her room, we are going to do the got to dance and other things we have for it. She is going to meet her friends up the pool and if there isnt anyone i will go with her, (I dont enjoy swimming) She will come with me for a walk around the lake i run around, (she hates this but has agreed to come once a week) so thats our plan,, baby steps no rush, just want to introduce some guidelines, gentle steps in right direction. She had braces fitted last week and her mouth is sore so already she has reduced portions, so she even said she amy aswell anyway as she cant eat anything chewy (sweets) or hard (sweets hahaha
she relates everything to sweets.
I am so proud of her tonight for the mature way she approaced how to go about introducing exercise and cutting out crap, she was already coming up with ideas of what to have instead.. soo it seems things are changing,,i dont care how/when or if but am going to encourage and support her as best i can.
I always found as a kid I was encouraged to fill up on starches- potatoes, starches and carbs. Typical farming meals! Whereas I was keener on the meat etc! More the dukan principles. As I say, I'm only 24 and I wish I'd tackled this 10 years ago. Yesterday had the boys at the football (16-20) talking about dating and asking "what were you like at our age phys?" and all I could say was "fat. Fat and geeky".
Hey Kirsty

I think it's fabulous that you are encouraging your daughter to take control here. I have been fat forever and I truly believe that If being overweight is predisposed for you, then the sooner you start taking a stance, the better. Ostrich style might be comfortable, but it solves nothing.

Conso sounds great to me - which also sort of fits the 80/20 rule too, doesn't it? You know, healthy eating ('good') for 80% of the time and treats ('bad' - I use that term loosely) for 20% of the time.

Good luck :D

P x
What you've planned sounds really sensible! Not a full on diet , more a learning curve and more exercise! Fab. I can always remember being embarrassed about my weight. I went to my first slimming club at 14! Think your approach is just perfect!