Hi All, thanks for support!! I ave been good, been back to basics and after my slip up and 2lb odd weight gain am back below what I was pre damage!!
Not been online much, Cameron been using lappy for gcse revision, I cant believe he has 2 more exams next week and then he is leaving shool
;-( but it means I am spending lots of time with him when he is home ;-)
Zach my youngest has gone off tonight with scouts, camping! Its awful weather here and where he is going( and awful everywhere!) ahh bless him in his tent, 6 10yr olds in one tent! Omg I wont sleep I will be worrying about him! Hubby helped by telling me to pack his armbands so he can float down the river when it floods!
Had crappy day re hubbys job, looks like it may be another 2 weeks at least b4 we find out what will happen, really felt the stress today, had words earlier, ahhh its driving me mad! 9 weeks of stress, we had booked 2 and half weeks off from next fri to go to florida with kids, but that isnt happening now, so I am a lot depressed thinking about no holiday. I will work and we will wait and see what happens, nothing else we an do, the only positive is that he is being paid whilst suspended, so another couple weeks basic wage. Its the not knowing that is driving us mad! He ccould be out of a job next week, week after or not, could return to work.
Anyhow (thanks for listening!) tonight I made a new thingy, dukan thingy I have a photo, dont get too excited! It was supposed to be crunchy like crackers, but it was a bit chewy, alot chewy . It would make a lush pizza base though if we could have cheese ;-( I need cheddar, dukan cheddar in my life, dr D please invent it, fat free tasting lush thanks
Its 50g (one packet, there were 2 x50g packs in my box from sainsburys) textured soy protein, I ground it in a mortar. Add one teaspoon baking powder, then add flavour, the recipe said salt to taste but I added bit of garlic granules and 1 teaspoon linseed. Add 125g quark, mix well, it forms a kind of paste. Roll between 2 pieces of greaseproof paper until thin. Peel one paper off and bake in oven about 170c. until golden. Now my paper stuck to the back of it ;/ I peeled it off an re baked until golden and crunchy.
Next time I would not bake on paper, will spray or lite grease a tray. I had the whole thing with spag bol cos it was garlicy it was lovely! will add photos now