Kirsty's pregnancy and new Mummy diary- from 30 weeks onwards!

well done at WI hun thats fab. Wow he certainly is a little bruiser lol x
Thanks I'm really happy with WI considering I had 3 horrendous days off plan!
Lol he def gets it from hubby's side of the family haha!! X
Still full of cold and struggling to taste food (I hate colds!) so I'm eating what I can, which isn't a lot!!
Going to do Success Express from tomorrow until next WI- I've got 2.5lbs to lose to get my 1/2 stone award and I want it next week! X
Argh been in the chocolate tin already today!!
This cold has ruined my appetite and I feel so crap I'm comfort eating :(
Really gonna try and get back on it tomorrow with Extra Easy and then 5 days of Success Express, all the fruit and veg is what I need to fight this cold, I've been telling myself that, I just need to actually do it lol! X
Argh been in the chocolate tin already today!!
This cold has ruined my appetite and I feel so crap I'm comfort eating :(
Really gonna try and get back on it tomorrow with Extra Easy and then 5 days of Success Express, all the fruit and veg is what I need to fight this cold, I've been telling myself that, I just need to actually do it lol! X

You know you can turn it around with a good few days of SE. Hope you start to feel better soon x
You know you can turn it around with a good few days of SE. Hope you start to feel better soon x
Yeh that is true- I just don't want to get complacent and think I can go off plan very wk and pull it bk with SE, cos I can totally see that happening!! X
Youve done so well, just not to put weight in is an achievement with a new baby xx
Thanks :)
That's how I'm looking at it- even if it's only 1/2lb off a week, it still adds up, I can't expect big losses anymore with a little one x
Thanks :) That's how I'm looking at it- even if it's only 1/2lb off a week, it still adds up, I can't expect big losses anymore with a little one x

Exactly. It's really tough. I had a few good weeks then started really struggling. This week I'm back on it and so far so good but I know that the tiredness and continuously being on the go means I need sugar a lot!!! X
Exactly. It's really tough. I had a few good weeks then started really struggling. This week I'm back on it and so far so good but I know that the tiredness and continuously being on the go means I need sugar a lot!!! X
Lol I'm familiar with that feeling! X
Urgh my cold seems to be getting worse :(
Have all but lost my voice, can't sallow without being in pain, nose is running like a tap (makes it fun when feeding Oliver!) and I'm shattered :-/
Oliver still has a slight cough and a snotty nose but is otherwise good and he decided to wake at 2:30 for milk this morning :-/ then he didn't settle until 4:30 before being up at 6 for more!!
I did try and get a bit more sleep once he was back in bed at 7 but it's like he knew and he was awake and wanted to play havoc with his dummy!
Soon as I gave in and came downstairs at 9, he fall asleep for an hour!!
I have no energy today and I'm going out tonight so I'm doing bugger all!
Brought my blanket and the quilt downstairs- think we'll have a duvet day :)
Normally, feeling like this, I'd cancel tonight but I really need a girly catch up with my best friend and I need a 'night off' from being mummy, I'm really looking forward to it, despite my horrendous cold.
As for food, so far so good but my heads not really in it today so I don't know if I'll continue to be good... Just going to do my best.
Being ill really doesn't help :-/ xx
Some of the latest photos of Oliver:


With his grandad:



Some of the latest photos of Oliver: <img src=""/> With his grandad: <img src=""/> <img src=""/> <img src=""/>

Lovely. Hope you have a lovely time tonight. Where you going? Hope you feel better real soon too. Colds are horrible especially when you can't just go to bed and totally rest xxx
Lovely. Hope you have a lovely time tonight. Where you going? Hope you feel better real soon too. Colds are horrible especially when you can't just go to bed and totally rest xxx
Thanks :)
We're going to a really nice resturant called The Crown in Stoke by Nayland, which is about 20 mins from where I live.
It's a really good resturant, it's our regular meet up spot, and me and Paul are regulars there too!
It's little bit pricey so we only go on special occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries :)
No surprise then that we've already booked it for our anniversary next month :D
And I shall be booking it for my birthday in November :)
To be fair, Oliver has been fab today and slept a fair bit, meaning I've had a couple of nice naps too.
He's still getting over his cold so he needs the kip too.
I have such a violent cough today its horrible. I'm hoping it does one soon! X
Last night was lovely, was great to catch up with my friend and have a child free evening :)
I missed him like crazy of course, but it just meant I got lots of cuddles when I got home as he was then falling asleep on hubby and he wanted to take a shower so I took over cuddle time :)
Plus he was much better with the crying- it's his colic but we've worked out that when he cries 'for no reason' it's actually cos he's windy and just needs burping.
In fact he was so good last night that I started feeing him at 10:15 but he fall asleep after 3oz!
So I changed his bum and he didn't stir, handed him over to hubby and after a few mins he started to grizzle so he took the final 3oz, checked his nappy, burped and he was asleep by midnight :)
Awake at 3:45 for milk but again took 3oz and fall asleep! So bum change woke him up, took another 2oz and then straight back to sleep!
Awake again at 6:30 for milk and this time took 2oz and fall asleep so I put him back in his basket.
Started to stir at 7:30 so he had another 3oz, bum change and got him dressed for the day.
Packed his bag as he's gone to work with hubby again today.
Soon as I put him in his car seat with his dummy he was asleep!
Can only assume it's his cold making him so sleepy!
As I mentioned, Oliver has gone to work with hubby today, which means of course that Nan and grandad will get to see him again :)
I was going to pop round for some lunch and bring him home but I'm so poorly I thought it was best I stay away.
So I have a child free day, the weather is miserable and I think I'm going to stay in my onesie and snuggle on the sofa with the dogs and the tv.
I still have a cold but it seems to be getting worse :-/
My cough is sounding nasty, I'm completely bunged up and can barely breathe :-/
If I'm still like this on Monday I'm going to docs in case it's more than just a standard cold.
As for food- well I was good last night, as in I only had a main course, no pudding :eek:
I had a pint of cider, which I throughly enjoyed :)
Scales are saying 1.5lbs on from Thursday so not horrendous but I'm going to try my best to behave today.
It's hard with a cold- I want comfort food, which for me is chocolate!
Tonight we're having a Fakeaway (we've declared Saturday night as Fakeaway night :)) and hubby will be cooking Szechuan beef :)
Just had my porridge for breakfast and planning to have savoury rice for lunch so it will just be snacks where I need to be careful today. x
Well done on your loss you fought for that, it was very deserved. It's not easy with a new baby and lack of sleep. We're having 5am wake ups here as well as 3 hourly breastfeeds.
Oliver's such a cutie! I hope he's coping with his cold.
Well done on your loss you fought for that, it was very deserved. It's not easy with a new baby and lack of sleep. We're having 5am wake ups here as well as 3 hourly breastfeeds.
Oliver's such a cutie! I hope he's coping with his cold.
Thank you, it is hard but I want my bikini body back! (Or something resembling it at least lol)
We're quite lucky as he only wakes once during the night for feed and then wakes at a reasonable hour (6-8am) for the next one.
Aww thanks I think so too :)
He is much better, still slightly snotty and a slight cough but coughs tend to linger. Xx
Didn't get round to posting yesterday- it was a bit hectic!
Not actually doing anything but I was quite ill and Oliver was unsettled.
I'm sure it's a growth spurt as last night he would only take 3oz of milk then fall asleep for an hour or so and then wake for the rest.
He's still had his usual 2x 6oz bottles but just split in half so to speak.
He's just had 2oz of his current feed and is sleepy!
Means we'll be back to feeding on demand for a few days :-/
On the food front, I've not been on plan at all but due to my cold I've not eaten a lot as I can't taste it.
Therefore I was quite chuffed that my scales are only saying 1lb on!
I'm hoping to be good from now until WI in the hope I can maintain or a small loss.
I seem to struggle at the weekends but something seems to click on a Monday morning?!
Hoping to make it to physio later but all depends on young man- he normally sleeps through it (it's an hour) but not sure he will today and there'd be no point going if I'm dealing with him the whole hour.
Oliver was pretty good after the cluster feeding yesterday morning- I put him in his car seat, ready to go out, at 11:30 and he slept until 3:30 :eek:
I prob should have woken him up but I figured he needed it and he took a 6oz bottle in minutes when he woke up!
He nodded off again at 5 and woke just after 6 for his evening feed.
Another 6oz down the hatch and, assuming he wouldn't settle as he doesn't normally after his 6pm feed, I gave him lots of cuddles.
Hubby went to do some work and he came downstairs at 8 to find us both asleep- Oliver had fallen asleep in my arms and I had joined him lol!
So we put him down in his chair and he slept until 10!!
Had his last feed and daddy cuddles and he in bed by midnight.
However I'm wondering if all that sleep was why he was awake during the night- he woke at 1:30 which is mega early for him and he does make a lot of dreaming noises in his sleep and settles again.
He didn't tho and at 2 I gave in and feed him- a 6oz bottle so was hoping he'd sleep for a while.
Nope- he was wide awake after he bottle and it was 3:30 ish before he nodded off.
Awake again at 5 (hubby sleeps through all this funnily enough!) and I held him off until 5:40 when I gave him another 6oz.
He reluctantly went back to sleep at 6:30 but he was awake again at 7:10!!!
Tried dummy, cuddles, burping but nothing worked so, in my zombie state, I fed him again!!
He only took 2oz and then threw it all back up!
It went everywhere- it soaked through his bib, Grobag and bodysuit!
So changed his bum and clothes and thought I'll try again with milk- but he wouldn't take it.
Not surprised, he doesn't normally have the best bottle until around 10.
So I tried to settle him again- took until 8:45 before he went to sleep!
Raced around the kitchen sterilising bottles and making breakfast and by 9:15, just as I took the first mouthful of porridge, he woke!
Brought him downstairs with me and had to let him cry whilst I finished my porridge in record time!
Fed him, he took another 6oz and after a bum change too and some cuddles, he FINALLY went to sleep at 10:45 and is still asleep yay!
I joined him and napped on the sofa and woke just before 12- I really needed it!
Time now for lunch and get dressed before he wakes again!
On food front, I stuck to plan yesterday (woop!) and was rewarded with the scales saying a maintain from last WI :D
And that's with 2 full days to go so I'm now motivated to stick to plan to maybe get a small loss this week and then hopefully I can start sticking to plan for a whole week instead of just a few days!
My 7 week old chunky monkey <3


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