Kitty Kicks Butt 32lbs gone forever.

You MADE your step challenge, Ali, nothing to be ashamed of there!
UD today, can't decide what I want to eat which is always a bit dangerous. Thinking of cheese and bacon toastie for lunch but haven't got much further than that. Need to go in to The Big Smoke of Belfast today to do some bits and bobs so that should keep me busy then out tonight to a Mentor Evening at the boy's school. Raining this morning but walking WILL be done!

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Bran flakes, mixed dried fruit and yogurt for breakfast, 3.14 miles walked and a slice of toast for after. Off walking again to the station to get the train.

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Mmmm bacon and cheese toastie(s) for lunch with a pear and a fig roll. Stuffed. 6.4 miles walked so far with all the running around town, maybe more later depending on how long the school thing takes. I always eat far too much for lunch on an UD, it is my favourite meal though and I usually have little or nothing for dinner to compensate...

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Wow that's a lot of walking honey! I'm starving today, am desperate for my tea but I'll be sick if I eat before aquafit class so I won't be eating til about 745, was gonna do sausage & mash but that would be even later so I'm having a ready meal fish pie. Have just had 3 rivieras to see if that will keep me going!!!
Maybe we should invent them. What should they be do you think? I'm going for fat and calorie free crisps. Sour cream and chive or cheese and onion?

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Champagne flavoured, sun baked, thin and crispy ;)
DD going well, food all good, 3.84 miles walked so far, more to come this evening. Weigh in in the morning, fingers crossed.

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Thanks Rach. DD done, slightly over at 606 calories, offset by 1101 calories exercised off doing 6.57 miles in total. Hoping for good news tomorrow!

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Thanks Rach. DD done, slightly over at 606 calories, offset by 1101 calories exercised off doing 6.57 miles in total. Hoping for good news tomorrow! Sent from my iPad using MiniMins

1101 calories from walking??