Minimin Addict
Its Saturday, yey i love saturdaysOH only works till 12.30 then hes all mine
and then tomorrow hes off woooooooop! Listened to slimpod again last night and then reaslised i havent done my 3 positives for the day so...
1. Drank more fluids than usual
2. Didn't snack at all! STRANGE!
3. Went for a walk
And i thought it hadnt made a difference lol, who knows if thats from listening to slimpod or not but they are still good changesSomething rather weird happened as well last night, i had my tea (pasta with pork) and I had my second to last bite of it and then had to run to the sink as i felt like i was going to be sick :/ I wasnt but I realised it was because I was full... now that never happens, I can usually eat and eat until I feel uncomfortable but last night I was going to finish my bowl of pasta and I must have just had one too many fork fulls and my body decided enough was enough! I definately didnt finish it after that haha. I dunno if thats anything to do with slimpod but I was thinking last night, someone said its meant to have a similar effect of hypno gastric band? and i suppose that would make sense with me nearly being sick when I ate too much? Very STRANGE!!!
Anyway, I think today we are going to maybe go shopping, I need some winter shoes and I really fancy doing something active... Nicki mentioned swimming in her diary, and now I can't get that out of my head! Ive not been swimming for about 10 years but now Im wondering what time the local pool is open for lane swimming?! Who is this woman and what have you done with Kitty?!?!?
So much for 'i don't think its working,