we rowed with the leader because he 'promised' us support and didnt give us any and then came up with rubbish and false excuses as to why he hadnt contacted us or supported us at all. meh!
Gastric band is a no go

The man was incredibly rude and just basically rubbish at his job :/ Ive asked groupon for a refund, someone is getting back to me but the man at groupon said he was sorry i had a bad experience and that he thinks i should get most if not all my money refunded, well my mums money! Im sooo annoyed, he basically sat there told me i didnt know anything about losing weight and that i was fat and that i would die. THANKS FOR THAT! RUDE!!!!
Andy and I have decided that we want to lose weight together and we arent going to do any particular diet, just cut down on cake and take aways (lol) and I'll get going swimming again and we arent doing weekly weigh ins, because it puts too much pressure on me and i cant take it! So maybe monthly weigh ins, but probably just go off how we feel and how our clothes fit. I want to be a size 16-18 again, i dont want to get down to my usual goal of 12st 6 because that has been a goal dream for so long and when i realise i am not going to get there in a simple few months of dieting and its not a magic wand solution i cant stand it. Dieting makes me depressed and im not doing it anymore! I am just going to be more sensible and make better choices.
One thing today did make me realise is that I AM HAPPY! Im happy with everything in my life, i have the most amazing husband-to-be and we have a happy little life, i may not be exciting and go skydiving every day or climbing mountains, whatever, im so happy with my life its probably a little bit strange for me to feel like that! I cant wait to marry him and spend my life with him. We will be married in less than 3 months, then back to America (where i had the happiest 12 months of my life) for our honeymoon, hopefully to get jobs and move over there and then babies! What more could a girl ask for?!?!
Oh, and Im staying in the SW diary section, its homely here