Knowing when you are hungry

Hunger frightens me.

I eat because it's time to eat...

And spend a lot of the time in between meals watching the clock waiting for it to be time...

How sad is that...

<probably typical of an ex-very obese person...>
So do I Jo, I worry that if I dont eat something before I get hungry, I may die of starvation or something, or die and be hungry lol, that sounds very stupid. But funny enough me and my sister were laughing about that one day and she feels exactly the same towards hunger, but shes size 10 always has been, even when pg her gp told her not to eat too much as her baby was getting too big, yet he told me(and I was over weight) to eat more. You cant win really.
I think we're programmed to eat at certain times though. I don't know about all of you, but even as a baby, my 'bottle times' were programmed (and even when I was prem in an incubator - I got milk dripped into me every 30 minutes). I don't think I was ever allowed to be hungry. Then it continues throughout childhood and the habit is formed.

I eat when the children eat, which means I have a (probably unnecessary) snack at 5 pm with them.

It was easier to know when I was truly hungry when I was pregnant, but that's dim and distant memories now. I only feel hungry very, very occasionally if I'm honest.