Well today I'm 10.8 1/4 which I'm pretty sure is what I was yesterday and I've had 3 shakes so far with the plan to have one more about 8:30. I decided after I'd gone to bed last night that due to the high amount of shakes I bought I'd try 4 shakes a day and that way there's no chance of me eating or drinking the wrong thing and messing things up incase it's me being in denial about something or not weighing stuff out right.
I posted on the S&S forums with my issue and asked if anyone else has experienced anything similar and this is the reply I got from an admin:
"Hi Kuromi,
The truth is with this type of diet it makes no difference as to if you follow lipotrim, lighter life, cambridge diet or slim & save the principles are the same and so are the results.
You had already been on plan with LT for however long and achieved great weight loss, but as with any diet the longer you are on the plan the weight loss will slow down. The day you switched to S&S and then got weighed the day after and had gained would of very likely been the same scenario had you still been on LT. On our plan you would be consuming around 650 calories per day and it would be impossible to gain real weight whilst on this level of calories.
Body weight increases and decreases daily so getting weighed every day is a sure recipe for disaster as we state in our brochure.
You ordered from us on the 11th of November and it was delivered on the 12th it is now the 20th so you have had our products 8 days and in this time you have tried 4 per day, 3 per day with a meal and 3 per day without a meal. You have not given any method of the plan chance to work and your body time to adjust before you have switched to another method of following the plan. Additionally our plan is not designed to be a 3 packs per day programme so it should not of been followed in this manner.
We have thousands of customers who have lost their weight following our plan so there is no doubt that the plan works, there is also many many customers who post on minimins independent forums who have switched over from lighter life, lipotrim, cambridge diet etc and are posting about how good their results are. I think had you given the transition a week before getting weighed you would of seen the results you where expecting and would still be on track and mentally focused.
Also to put your mind at rest, to gain 5lb over night would require you to consume 17,500 calories (1lb of fat = 3,500 calories) so I am more than confident this did not happen, so therefore had your weight gone up this would be purely down to water weight which is not fat weight and would of regulated itself within a few days.
Ketostix are highly unreliable and as such we do not recommend using them to gauge ketosis. High hydration levels usually render the results inadequate. You can generally tell if you are in ketosis based on the taste in your mouth.
However you choose to move forward I wish you good luck, but please try to keep to weighing once per week and give whichever plan you switch to long enough to work."
I feel like I'm almost being told off. If I'd weighed myself a week after starting I would have still seen a 2 lb raise.
Yes I have tried a number of options because when I rang and asked for advice the lady I spoke to didn't know anything and told me she didn't know what to do.
As for giving it time to work, they state I can switch between 3 packs and a meal or 4 packs as I see fit, so is this now saying pick one method and stick to it?
According to that I'm not in ketosis as I don't have a nasty taste, which is why I've ordered the sticks in the first place.
I don't doubt the plan works, however being as we are all different then maybe something isn't right for me, which is why I asked for advice but feel like that states "it must be you as thousands of people make it work so you're doing something wrong".
Also I didn't say I'd gained fat - I read up to know that but by the same accounts something is making me weigh heavier.
I'm guessing they didn't appreciate me saying I'd regretted the transition and was considering going back to LT on their forum as I thought they would have maybe suggested something other than just keep it up. I'm scared to incase I don't go down as I'm running out of time to reach my goal before my nights out