Ladies Please-'Mooncup'

I got my mooncup in November and i think its a fab invention, Although i do get headaches on my period since i started using it.:confused:

Hey hun

I'm NO expert, but it might be the synthetic hormones in the plastic. I only know about plastics having hormones, as I have PCOS and am VERY hormone sensitive - even to the fact that I can't eat food out of plastic containers or drink water from plastic bottles. The hormones are man-made and the body can't get rid of them, so there sometimes can be a build-up.
Again, please don't take my word as gospel, just advising from what I know.

Much love, chelle xx
I've been using mine for almost 3 years now and would NEVER go back to tampons. I only have to empty it twice a day (morning and evening), so no going to grotty public loos whoile out for the day to change tampons. I tend to forget I'm having a period and there days when I'm really heavy but I've never had a problem with leckage.

Once you get passed the yuk factor it's actually cleaner and less yuckier than removing a tampon. I sterilise mine in the dishwasher (cutlery part!)
I have to say I am tempted - Bettyboo's horror story aside :p
I just bought a mooncup in boots girls (used my advantage points lol) and will try to remember to use it when when its totm so will let you know how I get on! xxx
Mooncup! for a start the name is just so silly!
i like the idea but the thought of using one just makes me feel a little queasy. Also i expect that they could be a bit of a faff (having to clean etc)
i personally dont think im ready to use one yet!

good luck to all those who are trying it for the first time xx
Mooncups are not made of plastic, they're made of silicone and designed to be hypo-allergenic. I used to use one, but since I went on the coil I've been bleeding a lot, and it didn't feel good wearing it over a long period of time, and the "sucking" sensation just felt...wrong. I've reluctantly moved back to non-applicator tampons...

It was fine when my periods were short, but in my current state it's not ideal!
Well I've just been to Boots and saw one so decided to get one. I'll let you know how I get on.
I'm having my mirena coil replaced and once that's settled down I won't have to use anything at all (hurrah!)

Interesting thread though.
Well i tried again during this period but i still got headaches so ive thrown mine in the bin!
Hope everyone else gets on well with theirs coz theyre a great invention :)
ok dont read if you dont like tmi!

hi girls, I'm trying out my mooncup for the first time, started using it last night. Its really weird and takes a bit of getting used to, I havent been out with it 'in' yet but will be tonight.

I think I am already getting used to it although its a bit grim emptying it lol but still much better than tampons and pads. I could go swimming with it and everything and not have to worry about a soggy tampon lol (tmi!).

I'm very heavy and although had it in overnight (9pm til 8am) I had no leaks.

If you are really really heavy it might not be for you as it can be hard to change and wash out when out or at work I'm guessing (although I'm sure you can get round that somehow) and had a heavy bit this morning over 4 hours and it was nearly full to the top so I would be a bit worried about being somewhere without being able to change but probably no more so than I would be worried about a tampon.

So I would say if you are thinking about it then do try it, I know they're a bit expensive but I spend about £5-10 on tampons every month so its much more economical long term (in even in just 2-3 months). I also used to hate hate hate totm and although I still do as I get horrible labour like pains, its does feel 'nicer' (prob wrong word but anyway!) this way and cleaner too bizarre but true. the sucking feeling is weird and takes a bit of getting used to ahem! but I think there are prob worse things!

anyway give it a try if you can afford it, it might revolutionize your world! lol. :)