Ladies....I need your help!!!
As you know I work for the NHS, and we are starting a petition to ensure that it does not become privatised, and that it will continue to be the national health service that we all know and love.
They are trying to stop our pension schemes, which will open us up to be taken over by the Tories, which is want they are wanting. The things you read in the press about us NHS workers getting massive pensions, etc. is all rubbish. We pay into the pension scheme out of our working wages, and our employer (the NHS) contribute a little towards it too. If they abandom the scheme, we will just claim pensions from the state, which the tax payers pay for.
Please will you help us with our petition and help me get as many signatures as possible to ensure that we save the NHS and put a stop to all the cuts that we are currently suffering, so that patients get the high level of care that they need and deserve when using our services.
Would I be able to send you a sheet through the post, or via email for you to print off and get all your friends, family, neighbours, local shop keepers, butchers, etc. to sign and help us to save the NHS???
I would really love your support on this, please please help!!
We only have a short turn-around period for this petition to take place, so please let me know as soon as possible if you would like to help out
