Operation Hottie Kidnap
im same every year, but this year I just havent had any interest. Kids still havent made their minds up over what they want yet, lol.
Its my mum's 60th birthday in January, and I have been more preoccupied with that than owt else, lol.
Must start soon tho....
I can understand that hon. I'm not feeling in the least Christmassy atm, what with everything that's happened the last couple of months. I'm just looking forward to some decent time off with my family. Then realised that if I didn't get my butt into gear and get some shopping done I'd have arrived up there on the Friday night with no presents for them whatsoever!
Plus it was my dad's 65th the other weekend and next weekend is my nan's 90th! So Christmas is a bit of an after thought this year really!
But I WILL get it all finished off this weekend