Hi all hope you've all had a fab weekend! Well mine has been loads of fun! Friday had to work in the morning booo

but then had my hair done and then it was girls night out! As promised I did not have a snifter of alcohol, stuck to diet coke all night! Did have a chicken shish afterwards but it was small and had no sauce. So far so good!
Saturday we woke up early to go to London zoo! It was an amazing day! We all had a fab time! I made up a oat so simple pot and fruit salad for the trip up and then there we had lunch in their restaurant. Most choices were sold out as even tho it was freezing it was really busy! I ended up with a chicken leg portion and loads of lovely salad. We did not get home till gone 7 so we decided on a takeaway. Indian

eek. I'm not a massive fan of Indian anyway I only enjoy saag aloo (potato and spinach) and I had a pancake kebab which is basically potato and spinach and lamb chunks wrapped in like a chappati. Had 2 3rds of the kebab and very little saag aloo so hoping it wasn't too bad. And besides I was on my feet all day and loads of walking!
Today has been a bit weird. I had Cheerios and milk for breakfast then it was a traditional roast. I had chicken leg portion loads of veg 2 x yorshire Puds and a little stuffing and gravy. I'm on my totm and I don't normally suffer but today my belly really hurts and I've been taking pain killers for it. I really fancied a bit of choc so we put on Harry potter and dug out the still remaining Xmas choc tin and I had about 10-15. I don't feel that bad about it because that is all I have had all day. I've clocked it up on mfp and come up with 1586.
Back to normal tomorrow but I do think this weekend could have been so much worse!! Alcohol and a big fat pizza on Friday?? Chips and more chips on Saturday????
And I'm super happy because on Friday I got so many compliments about my weight loss so far!! "Oh my god you look so skinny" "can't believe how good you look" and a few glances from surrounding males lol.
I have changed my profile pic to me on Friday night. I was really impressed with how well I looked. And the only way is down down down!!!x