hello everyone well miserable monday is here and today has been a complete rollercoaster so i hope youre all strapped in as i let rip!
today i had my appraisal from work, had to meet my manager at her house to discuss my work. basically the sun shines out of my behind, ive earned a decent bonus and most importantly she has realised i want more out of my job, i want to work myself up to get a better role. shes putting me up for some skill sessions to build up and improve my skills and eventually go on to a management scheme and manager position. i may have mentionned i work for a very big chocolate company so this is HUGE! managerial position in a worldwide mega monster of a company, really decent money, company car the lot!! so im totally buzzzzzziiiinnnngggg with this good news. im losing weight and now im progressing in work, life is pretty damn good!!!
finished work went to the school to pick up the kids, im friends with some of the dads as well as the mums as we all know each other in our forces area (husband is military and we are in one of their houses) one of the dads says "have u ever watched stella?" (ruth jones prog on sky) i says no, he says u really remind me of ruth jones. after initial shock and confusion, i realised the show is after ruth jones had lost a lot of timber so i was willing to let it slide. on talking about it some mums overheard and said "oh your telling her u think she looks like nessa?" and i was like WHAT!!!!?!??!?!?!? F*****G NESSA!?!?!? bearing in mind these two wouldnt exactly make the short list for miss world. it was just so hurtful they swung it around to calling me bloody nessa. i was soooo upset, i dont look like ruth jones and definately not bloody nessa!!!! they just have to make a big deal out of it to really emphasise that someone thinks i look like the woman who played a fat character. i love ruth jones and i love gavin and stacey but i doubt anyone would be happy being called her. i know my profile pic is a bit fuzzy but honestly i dont even look remotely like her!!!! right???? its just so horrible that they act younger than the bloody children! i immediately called my mum in pure frustration WHY CANT PEOPLE JUST BE HAPPY FOR YOU?!?????? my mum is awesome and talked me out of going to the off licence and drinking myself to a mess. cos im above it. i know it aint true so why get upset. just feel sorry for them that they have to make ppl feel bad. calling someone fat does not make you skinny!!
sorry for a rant but so far people have been so positive and i dont like including people in it co if they one day see me with a choc bar or a bag of crisps i dont want them to say oh i thought u were dieting... well u were wrong im not dieting im CHOOSING A HEALTHY LIFE STYLE!!!
rant officially over and in 8 months time and 4 stone time, ill rock up and say do i still look like nessa??? cos if anyone does its bloody you two! and ill rock up in a fancy new car and loadsa money lol to buy all new skinny clothes woop woop.
anyway resisted the alcohol and had a good day food wise!
B- naked smoothie and weetabix bar
S- had a bag of good snacks all prepared, left them on the stairs

so had special k crisps and special k bar
L- asian tuna wrap from asda and a weight watchers black forest slice
D- 1/2 goodfellas extra thin pizza speciale (delicious!) with little gem lettuce and little light mayo
no gym today

worked too late, did some jillian moves waiting for tea to cook (god im so sad!!) back to gym tomorrow or might go swimming as my "gym buddy" is coming on wednesday... or is she?? lol
take care everyone hope youve had a better day than me