:D Hello there, you may leave again, becky has already won :winner: :p:p:p
misscheeky Gold Member 4 November 2009 #27,161 Allan G said: Hello there, you may leave again, becky has already won Click to expand...
misscheeky Gold Member 5 November 2009 #27,164 Allan G said: Sorry, but becky the queen is still here winning, im such a looser Click to expand...
Allan G Gold Member 6 November 2009 #27,165 misscheeky said: Click to expand... Now now becky, you will end up in the dungeons again
Mrs Depp Gold Member 6 November 2009 #27,166 While I'm having Becky locked up I'll get the guards to give you a cell all to yourself too Allan.
misscheeky Gold Member 6 November 2009 #27,168 Allan G said: Now now becky, you will end up in the dungeons again Click to expand... Sorry when was i there the 1st time? i dont seem to recall that.... Mrs Depp said: While I'm having Becky locked up I'll get the guards to give you a cell all to yourself too Allan. Click to expand... that would be lovely for him carol me likee Allan G said: Who let you out of your padded cell?? Click to expand... :giggle::giggle:
Allan G said: Now now becky, you will end up in the dungeons again Click to expand... Sorry when was i there the 1st time? i dont seem to recall that.... Mrs Depp said: While I'm having Becky locked up I'll get the guards to give you a cell all to yourself too Allan. Click to expand... that would be lovely for him carol me likee Allan G said: Who let you out of your padded cell?? Click to expand... :giggle::giggle:
The Rose Rosie 6 November 2009 #27,170 Allan G said: Who let you out of your padded cell?? Click to expand... How dare you insult the lovely Mrs Depp - you will have me to answer to!! Becky it has made my week to see you back posting on here - hope you are okay Good to see girls rule on here again!!
Allan G said: Who let you out of your padded cell?? Click to expand... How dare you insult the lovely Mrs Depp - you will have me to answer to!! Becky it has made my week to see you back posting on here - hope you are okay Good to see girls rule on here again!!
Mrs Depp Gold Member 10 November 2009 #27,175 Haha! You tell him Rosie!! Our Allan needs keeping in his place otherwise he can get a little bit bolshie!! Us girls should deffo stick together!
Haha! You tell him Rosie!! Our Allan needs keeping in his place otherwise he can get a little bit bolshie!! Us girls should deffo stick together!
The Rose Rosie 11 November 2009 #27,176 Hi carol I keep saying it is girl power that rules this thread, Allan doesnt stand a chance lol!!