Last Person To Post Wins

Not anymore -get back to the scullery to clean my floors
Lol - you trying to say I'm short Mr G? That cheek of yours will get you in big trouble - now get back to the kitchen with all the other men in my charge
:D Im the only one around here that gives the orders, shouldnt you be attending to my royal bedroom?? :D
I will only be attending the bedroom to order you to clean it - get back to where all men should be - washing, ironing, cleaning - the usual things that only men are good for
:D looks like someone needs to know her place, a chambermaid is not allowed to speak to her king in that manner :whoopass:
:D:DMr G - women are no longer regarded as servants - we are the superior race - now if you need a little bit of educating i am available at a very reasonable cost
:D Do you know that thier is a direct link from women leaving the kitchen in the 70s, to todays weight problems? :D so get back in the kitchen and cook proper food, not microwave rubbish :p
did you know there is a direct link to male erectile dysfunctional problems and the fact that they wont get off their fat arses and help their wives
did you know there is a direct link to male erectile dysfunctional problems and the fact that they wont get off their fat arses and help their wives

:D Not in this house, its the other way round, so far i have done a load of washing, second one in now, unblocked the shower trap, full of womens hair, emptied the hoover, and taken the dogs out for a walk, and im working tonight :p
well get around here and help me!!
:D Sorry i have enough to do here, both kids out, wife still asleep, so its left to me to sort everything else out :D
you are wasted Mr G - Im sure I would appreciate you much more
All of the best men are definitely gay
Never winning - just trying hard
im winning!!!! *evil laugh inserted here*