Hmm something weird is happening.......I don't feel hungry!!!! Usually I feel like I'm starving but I feel like my body is finally getting used to not having huge sw portions of pasta and potatoes! It's nice to know what a normal portion size is.
Having a emotional day today, been crying on and off and I don't know why! Although poss something to do with having totm for 2 weeks now!
Not hungry but I want to comfort eat cause that's usually what makes me feel happier :'(
My other half has sent me to bed to watch tv while he sorts the kids bedtime bless him!!
Well I lost 1lb........ Was a bit disappointed at first but then thought I haven't felt deprived at all this week and I still have totm ( 2 weeks now!) My water is up by 3% so I should stop moaning lol.its in the right direction!! Whoop. X
I have used 30 weekly points and 9 daily!! Why is the weekend so difficult? Mon-Fri I can stick to 26pp easy...... Guess that's what the weeklies are for x