LauraLoo and baby number 2

35+6 :)

Just a week until he can come out whenever he likes. Argh! The sooner the better, I really don't want to go 2 weeks over this time...although I'll probably be wishing for moretime when things kick off. Ha.

The midwife came round hour early!! Luckily I was nearly ready, was just on the kitchen floor cleaning when she knocked and assumed it was going to be my Mum :D all was fine, measuring bang on still, bp was surprisingly normal given how flustered I was, lovely listen to his heartbeat. She does think he's back to back though, doesn't surprise me, Mia was too. He's started to engage and my heartburn has instantly disappeared. Yay!

I've got my half term buddy, although while my Mum is here I'm pretty invisible :D can't complain though, Nanny was up at 6.30...I got an extra 2 hours. Amazing!
We've got a little party to go to later and yesterday we went to the park and fed the animals. I wanted to steal a baby goat!
Ridiculous how shattered these little things make me. I used to jog round the same park!


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Happy Halloween :D


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shes so lovely!!

Thank you :) we've eaten far too many sweets. Oops. Put the rest away now ready for any knocks on the door.
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im lurking :) wow ur nearly there. How amazing!! lovely bump. u look in very good shape hun. seemed to have kept the weight gain to a minimum. go you!!!
im also nearly 12weeks preggers! xxx

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im lurking :) wow ur nearly there. How amazing!! lovely bump. u look in very good shape hun. seemed to have kept the weight gain to a minimum. go you!!!
im also nearly 12weeks preggers! xxx

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Congratulations!! I think the last time we spoke you were thinking about fertile are you?! :D how are you feeling?

Yup, nearly there, so uncomfortable and ready. I'll be 37 weeks on thurs so officially fully cooked and I want him out ASAP! None of this ridiculous 42 weeks business like last time. X
we tried for 2months and fell on the second month lol! woohoo!!
wowzers. how amazing. well ur looking really good. i unfortunately fell heavier than id like to have been... around 12st... so a good stone heavier than I shouldve been. but good news is iv had such bad morning sickness im.a few lbs down. so for me to make it to 3months with no weight gain is very good haha :)

il be stalking these next few weeks hun :) have u kept an eye on weight this pregnancy?

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we tried for 2months and fell on the second month lol! woohoo!!
wowzers. how amazing. well ur looking really good. i unfortunately fell heavier than id like to have been... around 12st... so a good stone heavier than I shouldve been. but good news is iv had such bad morning sickness im.a few lbs down. so for me to make it to 3months with no weight gain is very good haha :)

il be stalking these next few weeks hun :) have u kept an eye on weight this pregnancy?

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congratulations little mumma :)

I fell straight away with my 2nd and I'm only a few weeks behind you :) I'm 7+3 (approx) today xxx
congrats to u too :)
This is my 3rd! my first happened straight away. met my now husband on 27th june. pregnant by july. our second took one night! and this time fast again lol.
mayb he'll get the snip now!
good luck with it all. I'm 11weeks monday :)

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congrats to u too :)
This is my 3rd! my first happened straight away. met my now husband on 27th june. pregnant by july. our second took one night! and this time fast again lol.
mayb he'll get the snip now!
good luck with it all. I'm 11weeks monday :)

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oh wow! you two are fertile lol!!

My little girl Amelia (who is now 8 months old) took 6 months, and this one happened as soon as I came off the pill so was a little surprising! Do you have a diary i can follow? :) xx
we tried for 2months and fell on the second month lol! woohoo!!
wowzers. how amazing. well ur looking really good. i unfortunately fell heavier than id like to have been... around 12st... so a good stone heavier than I shouldve been. but good news is iv had such bad morning sickness im.a few lbs down. so for me to make it to 3months with no weight gain is very good haha :)

il be stalking these next few weeks hun :) have u kept an eye on weight this pregnancy?

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Well aren't we a fertile bunch?! :D

I gave up weighing, my bump and bum are huge but the rest of me isn't much bigger. I'm guessing I'll have a couple of stone to lose afterwards but I'm pretending to be positive about that at the mo. Literally everything in my wardrobe is a 10 or smaller, feck knows what I'm going to wear when he's here. So sick of maternity leggings!

Not so awesome about the sickness but awesome on the no gain...I put on a stone so quickly. Are you going to find out the sex? Do you have a feeling either way?
wow I think anything under 3 stone for me to lose will be a miracle. I put on 5.5st with first. im dreading it quite badly tbh. but Ive done it before. il have to do it again. pressure though as 4months later im bridesmaid abroad which fills me with dread again. lol.
with 2 boys im dying for a girl. but I suspect a 3rd boy will happen! I won't find out as I know its ridiculous but I don't wana be disappointed and not enjoy the rest of the pregnancy.
This time so far tho I feel very different. ive never had morning sickness before with the boys. but this time I do.

ohhh no I don't have a baby diary yet. il get on that and create :)

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I do think it's kinda sad that we've worked so hard before and we are going to have to do it again. Oh to be one of those women who 'snap back'. My weight actually just kept on rising after I had my little girl...but that's because I was miserable and didn't care.

It's my 30th in January...I don't want a fat birthday :( ah well, he'll be worth it (he better be :D )

Awww, 3 boys would be super cute though, they'd always have your back. And if you do have another boy maybe just buy a couple of pretty dresses for when no one else is around :D

I read somewhere if you feel rough and look rough the old wives tale is you're having a girl and she's stealing all your glam...
People keep telling me I have a classic 'boy bump' but I'm not sure how much science is behind all these theories :)

Ridiculous heartburn tonight. Bleugh.
The old wives tales get right on my nerves. you are looking lovely and u have a boy.... I was so swollen with both boys. even my fingers. they were so fat I couldn't even make a fist!!! and my hooves.... they were so puffed I lived in size 8 flip flops and im a 6 haha.

oh the joy!!
yeah 3 boys will be fun. both my boys want a brother, I just want some variation. im surrounded by willies and farts and it drives me nuts!!!!
have u chosen his name yet?

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All that swelling sounds awful. I was just saying to Andy Yay I still have ankles...he looked at me like I was crazy :D
I'm actually a bit freaked out by the thought of changing a nappy with a willy in it, it just seems like a whole other world of mess.

The old wives tales are ridiculous. Before my 20 week scan I did a few online gender prediction things just messing about and they were literally 50/50. I'm still half expecting them to say 'it's a girl' when this one pops out.

I think we have a name. We decided quite early on and it seems to have stuck so far...just need to meet him and see if it fits. Although we can't agree on a middle name, actually it's more that Andy has picked one and I'm not sure, but I know it would make him and his Dad happy...we'll see.
Unexpectedly awesome day yesterday with some friends.
Unexpectedly organised shopping spree today. Xmas is almost sorted out of nowhere and I'm feeling much more relaxed and ready. I seem to have lots of energy at the minute so I'm taking full advantage.
I just bought a super cool advent calendar/bunting type thing to fill ourselves, it's gorgeous, and I have 21 out of 24 things to put in it :D yay. Is it too early to put my tree up??
awww just think your gonna have two babies at Christmas this year. very exciting. my best friend is due 17th december so hoping he'll be out on time!!!
im getting awful heartburn / acidic sick today. is that normal for 11 weeks. I thought heartburn only came from like 30 weeks??!!

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I was buying Rennies really early on. Felt like I've had it all day every day since I found out.
I feel like dog poo tonight. Think I've maybe over done it the past couple of days. Plus bub is wriggling and pushing down so much it's making me feel a bit sick.
Glad you've had an energy burst, love the sound of the bunting, where is it from? Xx
Spoke too soon was in bed by 7.30 :D

It's from Lidl of all places. I've attached a pic. There's the one I got, one with mini stockings and one with little felt cones with Rudolph on. Lots of really lovely wooden decorations at my local one too.


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