LauraLoo and baby number 2

yes fingers crossed!!!! i will be rather gutted if not :(

I couldn't find out with my little girl, she crossed her legs, put her hands over her bits all sorts (now I know her I'm not in the least bit surprised!!) but by the time I came out of the scan and they'd gone through all the checks they needed to do I was just happy she was ok.
This time I was DESPERATE to find out, I was like a crazy lady over it, luckily he had it all on show as soon as the scan started :D
I'm sure you'll get to find out but if not you could always book a private scan. I found a place that did gender scans for £39. They literally only check the gender nothing else, I think it said it was 10 mins long and you get a pic. I had that all ready to be booked just in case. X
I couldn't find out with my little girl, she crossed her legs, put her hands over her bits all sorts (now I know her I'm not in the least bit surprised!!) but by the time I came out of the scan and they'd gone through all the checks they needed to do I was just happy she was ok.
This time I was DESPERATE to find out, I was like a crazy lady over it, luckily he had it all on show as soon as the scan started :D
I'm sure you'll get to find out but if not you could always book a private scan. I found a place that did gender scans for £39. They literally only check the gender nothing else, I think it said it was 10 mins long and you get a pic. I had that all ready to be booked just in case. X

i want a 4d scan anyway but not til around 30 weeks when features were all there :) x
i want a 4d scan anyway but not til around 30 weeks when features were all there :) x

Sounds good. Don't think we are having any extra scans. Although I might get too impatient and change my mind. X
24 weeks today :)


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Happy v-day to us!! :)

love your bump!!! i still think i just look fat lol - not much of a round bump... booo...... lol
Happy v-day to us!! :)

love your bump!!! i still think i just look fat lol - not much of a round bump... booo...... lol

Awwww thank you, I'm sure you are bumpalicious :D

I do think mine's rather large, I nipped in to OH's work the other day and got greeted with a 'woah, you've expanded' by a woman who works for him. I'm scared about how much bigger it'll be in 15 and a bit weeks! Eek! Ha ha.

Oh and Andy looked at me all thoughtful this morning and said...'you're starting to look like Humpty Dumpty...' Always lovely to hear :D Luckily I know how much he loves me looking preggers!! X
I've just been looking at Udder Covers and Hooter Hiders...seriously, who names these things :D
26+2 :)

It's flying!! I'm so big. Been suffering with my back/hip/bum (who knows) this week, been walking with an oh so sexy limp and shuffle :D

Had a check up with the midwife and everything is great. Felt all proud when she told me I had nice clear wee and my womb was growing nicely...not even sure what that means. Ha ha.

Bought a new mattress for the cotbed in the week then got paranoid that it wouldn't fit since it's from Mothercare and the cotbed is M& we built the cot earlier, then got carried away. Baby boy has a room (aside from a few pretty finishing touches and maybe painting an accent wall). Happy happy!


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My big girl starting school would be so much easier if she didn't look so bloomin' cute in her uniform. Luckily (for me) she doesn't start just yet thanks to an alphabetical staggered start for the newbies. Yay! She's so excited and part of me is too but...MY BABY!! :( I'm going to miss her so much.

Preggers news. 28 weeks today. Got the midwife in a couple of hours. Not expecting anything exciting apart from a sneaky listen in. Love that :) Don't know whether to mention my heartburn or not. It's so bad at times. The worst I've ever had and it's getting expensive to keep buying Gaviscon and all the others I've tried...not sure she can give me anything anyway or if I'd have to see a doctor.


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Aww your little girl is a cutie :)
Bump is lovely too not too long for you to go .. Have you tried drinking whole milk for your heartburn I did that and lots of rennie ( loved the orange flavoured ones ) xx
Aww your little girl is a cutie :)
Bump is lovely too not too long for you to go .. Have you tried drinking whole milk for your heartburn I did that and lots of rennie ( loved the orange flavoured ones ) xx

Thank you :) she's my buddy. I can't believe she's school age already though.
I'll be buying this ones school uniform before I know it too. Eek!
Milk does help actually, thank you for the reminder, and luckily I'm absolutely loving it while pregnant :) (especially if it's banana flavoured :D ) X
Just back from the midwife. Everything is lovely. I'm growing spot on (I always said the growth thing was a load of rubbish but when I'm spot on I quite like it :D ) and I don't need to see her again until 34 weeks. That's mid October. Where is the time going?!?!

I do need to have a whooping cough jab before then though. Meh.

Mia came with me and had a little dance to the bub's heartbeat. She's so strange and funny. She was fascinated by me having blood taken and loved my little circular plaster so much so the MW gave her one that she's now wearing with pride on her cheek... :D

So tired I could cry. I actually feel hungover. My sleep has been really disturbed for about a week now but last night I just couldn't go to sleep. Every time I thought I was sleeping I realised I was still awake. So frustrating!!

I think I had an hour after OH got up at 5.30. I just want to sleep all day but obviously can't because I have a munchkin to look after.

Bleugh. Feel rotten! Can't wait til bedtime and hoping I can get away with a duvet day til then. Poor thing will be so bored, bet she can't wait for school on Thursday. Times like this I wish my Mum lived closer. Could do with a hand. X
Aww poor you I remember having nights like that during my pregnancy and then having to go to my job as a nanny looking after a 1 year old and 3 year old was so exhausting .
Maybe you could have a duvet day with your little girl get some treats and DVDs and snuggle up on the sofa ?
Aww poor you I remember having nights like that during my pregnancy and then having to go to my job as a nanny looking after a 1 year old and 3 year old was so exhausting .
Maybe you could have a duvet day with your little girl get some treats and DVDs and snuggle up on the sofa ?

Thank you we made it through with the help of Sky Movies :) X
30 weeks tomorrow. How is that possible?!

Also my little munchkin's first full day at school. OH has surprised me by booking the day off, I think he knows I'll need the distraction. I'm sure she'll be fine but I just need that first one out of the way. I want to walk in the classroom at 3.15 to be greeted by her little happy face. Don't know what I'll do if she's not had a good day (apart from run off with her and never take her again).

I've been thinking more and more that I'd like a water birth. Stressing the 'like'. I know these things don't always go to plan and I might not have one for a number of reasons but if the option is there I'd like to give it a whirl. I had so many people around me last time and the whole thing, especially the end, was manic and a bit traumatic so I see this as the opposite.

I realised the other day that I've not even been asked where or how I'd like to give birth and I'm not seeing the mw again til I'm 34 weeks...ah well, what will be, will be.

It does look a bit like I'm going on holiday now I've added bikini and flip flops to my 'what to pack' list :D

I'm so tired at the min. Not sleeping well at all. Nanny is coming to my rescue in a couple of hours. Yay!

I would recommend a water birth if you get the opportunity Hun mine was fab xx

Ps - I'm sure your little girl will be fine she'll love big school must be hard for parents though but I bet seeing her run to you at the end of the day is pretty amazing xxx
31+1 ALREADY!!!! Argh! :D

I've been so unbelievably tired and unable to sleep for a couple of weeks now, I was a zombie for the first half of the week, however, last night...I slept. It was amazing!

I feel so perky today. Although I have nothing to do and nowhere to go. I'm treating Mia starting school (she loves it! Yay!!) as starting my maternity leave :D so I'm trying to take it easy but it's...boring! I miss my buddy, 3.15pm is my favourite time of day. I know I should enjoy the quiet time though because soon I'll have 2 munchkins. Scary! Ha ha.

Hmmm, even though I slept well last night we were both kept awake by the baby next door crying. For so long. And they just ignore him. It makes me so sad. It also surprises me.

*Bit of a rant*
I know I only have experience of my own child and the new baby might be a completely different story but I just don't get what they are trying to achieve. I personally don't believe in controlled crying but maybe that's because I've never got to that point, and that's not even what they are doing, they just ignore him :( to me it's a last resort, when you've tried EVERYTHING else to settle and comfort your baby.

We've been here 7 months and it happens at least a couple of times a week. We've both said if they were trying and he was still crying we'd have all the sympathy in the world but they are not.

Surely if we are awake then so are they?! I really do believe babies cry for a reason, even if that reason is they just want some attention...that's still a reason. They seem to give in when he gets to a full on scream but then it takes so much longer to settle him. Why not go in at the beginning and see what's up before it gets to that?! Grrr.

I swear I'm close to making a hole in the wall so I can go and see to him. And it's not like it's something we can mention to them. There's nothing worse than having someone question your parenting. I'm not sure why I'm ranting about it on here though. I just feel a bit helpless. Oops.

Hi hun,

Haven't been on here for a while so have just been catching up, I'm glad it's all going well.

Your little girl is gorgeous, that smile and those curls are so cute :)

I've always thought that about controlled crying, I never left mine. The health visitor said that they had me wrapped round their little finger but jeez, if you can't do that when you're a tiny baby when can you? My two haven't grown up damaged because I picked them up when they cried. They're happy and secure because they had my attention when they needed it. A baby doesn't understand that you want to sleep all night.
I was in tesco the other day ad a woman with a tiny baby was walking round with it in the pram and it was screaming all the way round, you can tell when it's a new baby, they have that little warbly cry. I had to go to the other side of the shop, I just wanted to tell her to stuff her shopping and pick it up.

Anyway, ranty rant :)