Thanks everyone for your comments!
Last week was soooo hectic, I didn't get the chance to come on here.
Work was really busy...especially on Thursday because we couldn't all get to work on Wednesday.
I made it into work, somehow I managed to get a train in but then it looked like I might have been stuck there! My manager and the rest of the staff in my section hadn't been able to get in so they told me to just leave and try to get any train going home or in that direction as they were slowly cancelling them all. So I left home at 6:45am and got home at 12:30 and only spent 15mins at work! Somehow I actually felt more knackered that evening than if I had been at work.
When we got in on Thursday we had over 400 calls on the answer machine!

The weekend was slightly more relaxing but still had a lot of housework to get done etc.
At least it's been easier to stick to my points this week as I've not had a chance to really think about eating lots.
Had my 1st WI this morning and lost 1lb which is Ok as I'm probably still catching up from Christmas!
Going to start tracking my food on here from today as think that helps.
Hope everyone had a good weekend! xx