Thanks everyone for their comments!

I'm hoping for a less busy week so I can actually start updating here properly!
Had WI this morning and only lost 1lb again...but not too surprised as it was hubbys birthday so we went out for a meal etc on Friday...tried to point it but that kinda stopped working when the alcohol was flowing. But it's still a loss and I'm just glad that he enjoyed his birthday.
We went to see his parents during the day, and his sister and our little neice was there so that was lovely!
Then we went to a local carvery for dinner with some friends and my sister which was really nice. A few of them came back to ours afterwards and we were joined by our other friends with our kinda Godson (who spent the evening running around our house and giggling to himself). It was a really great evening, we played some Singstar on the PS2 and kinda got carried away singing and they all didn't leave till almost 2am. Jack (bless him) had fallen asleep on our beanbag!
Yesterday we didnt get up till late which was nice and we just chilled out at home.
Been looking at holidays for this September with some friends, really want to get away this year and with the weather like this it really gets you in the mood to book something.
Food Diary for today (and will hopefully carry this on daily now!)
Week 3 Day 1:
Breakfast -
Cereal - 1.5
Milk (1/4 pint semi) - 1
Lunch -
Bread Roll - 2
Marg - ?
Quavers - ?
Dinner -
Gammon - ?
Spaghetti - ?
Peas - ?
Carbonara Sauce -?
Snack -
Apple - 0.5
Apple Juice 250ml - ?
Not sure about some of the points as havent got my book with me today and also not exactly sure of what's for dinner tonight, so will edit later.
Hope everyone had a great weekend! xx