Lauras Diary of Incubating

Laura you really are super mum!!! I don't know where you get all your energy. X
Ha girls, if you seen me in between times you'd see how lazy I am. I try to do stuff to keep me from falling asleep really lol. And believe me with my first daughter I lay around drinking lucozade and putting on loads of weight after her birth so determined not to do that this time around.

She was good all day today (Tuesday). She took all her bottles well and settled well inbetween, I still don't feel comfortable leaving her tonight though so just gonna stay up till her 3a.m feed and see how I feel then about putting her down in our bedroom. I've got a feeling this is gonna be harder on me than her lol.

Anyway the stupid washing machine is buggered. Gonna have to call out the man later on this morning to come and replace the bearings. I do not fancy leaving it too late for loads of laundry to gather up. I'm off now to fold up some dried laundry, might even iron a few bits. xx
I don't think you'll get much of a chance this time to lie about with your other two! Hope you & Ellen have had a good day & your machine is fixed :)
Ah sorry to hear about washing machine, but glad to hear you are well :) You really are supermummy!! :) xx
09/01/2014 - THURSDAY - 2.30a.m

I don't think you'll get much of a chance this time to lie about with your other two! Hope you & Ellen have had a good day & your machine is fixed :)

No unfortunately not much chance to lay about and nap this time.....god how I'd love to be able to sleep when baby sleeps like they advise! Ha no chance.

Ah sorry to hear about washing machine, but glad to hear you are well :) You really are supermummy!! :) xx

Thanks Jess. Keeping myself busy. Living for Saturday at the minute hoping for a middle of the day nap when hubby is home lol.

Got lots and lots done today (wednesday). I finally got Ellens room completely sorted out, not a thing out of place;). I have everything in the house that needs washing done. All my ironing was done last night. The only thing annoying me now is my floors but I've left the mop outside and I don't wanna go out by myself now (2.30a.m).

Food wise, my main meals have been fine its just the snacking in the middle of the night that is the problem, but I can't see me stopping that till this one settles better at night. She is wide awake now and all go :rolleyes:.

Hope everyone else is well xx
wow you really are superwoman/supermum, where on earth do you get the energy from to do everything you've done?

Hope little Ellen is doing ok and you were able to put her down last night.

Hope you manage to get some rest at some point too :) xx
So yesterday I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore so went off to bed at 6p.m till 7p.m for a quick nap before hubby went to footy training, then I went back at 10p.m when he got home. I slept solid till 1a.m when the little lady needed feeding. She slept half way through that bottle so I put her down and hopped into bed but she wouldn't settle and decided she wanted the rest of her bottle at 2.30a.m. She settled again quickly though and slept till 5.30a.m...again in her cot, so I was dozing on and off for that 2 hours, up to feed then put her back and I think I slept solid for them 2 hours. Up at 8.30, she's fed and mad dash to get daughter off to school for 9a.m. Just eating toast now and then gonna shower and dress. Good night altogether for both of us.

I seem to have TOTM now too, the bleeding was subsiding and now its back with the usual cramps so I assume that is what is going on. So gonna take some neurofen for the pain now that I can lol. xx
Oh you're so lucky.. Ha ha.. The things ya miss while pregnant!!
Being able to properly medicate yourself..
Glad you got some sleep.. And the little lady and the phlem is getting better?? x

She still seems a little snuffly but it isn't bothering her.
I never normally take alot of meds so didn't bother me while pregnant but I have awful cramps this morning and my throat is sore (sure thats just from tiredness) so I'm gonna dope myself up lol.
I have to say I am the same.. I hate taking anything.. But I don't suffer when I don't need to either..
I'll definitely stick with my 4head stick for headaches etc after pregnancy and i'll be quicker to try honey in how water with lemon etc when I feel colds coming on rather than jumping straight to OTC flu medicines... But its just nice to know that you can if you need to :)
Sounds like she's settling much better & you're getting time to rest - good news :) Shane your periods come back so soon, hope it doesn't cause you too much pain :)
Sounds like she's settling much better & you're getting time to rest - good news :) Shane your periods come back so soon, hope it doesn't cause you too much pain :)

She is settling great now. Hubby did the 2.30am feed last night, then I didn't have to get up till 6.30 which was great.
Not too much pain today :D

I'm back in bed now having a nosy through some diaries for inspiration. We are just all relaxing today. Christmas seems to have caught up with the kids so they just wanna have a pyjama day, me and hubby are happy enough with that ;)

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Glad you're getting on well honey and she seems to be better :)

Hope you're having a lovely weekend <3 xx
Ohh my little one is being a skitter tonight lol. I went to bed early thank god. Was just saying to hubby that my hormones seem to crash about 8 or 9p.m, its then I start feeling a little sad and get extra worried about the kids. So he says I should head off to bed at that time, he thinks its the hormones settling coupled with tiredness. So glad I went early. I've a feeling too that all this rubbish I'm eating in place of meals isn't helping so I'm starting back with my food diary and gonna try and follow ww as close as I can till I'm allowed back at class in 3 weeks time.

Anyway hubby did the last feed at 1ish and plopped little lady into her cot after, he promptly went off to sleep but she did not...wide awake, squeeking and stretching and flinging her wee arms about, she finally had enough at 4ish so I got her up. She was wide awake, so cute looking around and studying my face. So I got her changed and by the time I got over with the bottle she was sleep, she took 1 oz and is snoozing since. I know there is no point me putting her down because as soon as we get into the bedroom no doubt she'll realise she is starving again. Anyway I feel rested so just catching up here and then I might plan my food for the day.

Anyway please feel free to follow me on my ww diary:

Hopefully see you's there girls xx
Ohh my little one is being a skitter tonight lol. I went to bed early thank god. Was just saying to hubby that my hormones seem to crash about 8 or 9p.m, its then I start feeling a little sad and get extra worried about the kids. So he says I should head off to bed at that time, he thinks its the hormones settling coupled with tiredness. So glad I went early. I've a feeling too that all this rubbish I'm eating in place of meals isn't helping so I'm starting back with my food diary and gonna try and follow ww as close as I can till I'm allowed back at class in 3 weeks time. Anyway hubby did the last feed at 1ish and plopped little lady into her cot after, he promptly went off to sleep but she did not...wide awake, squeeking and stretching and flinging her wee arms about, she finally had enough at 4ish so I got her up. She was wide awake, so cute looking around and studying my face. So I got her changed and by the time I got over with the bottle she was sleep, she took 1 oz and is snoozing since. I know there is no point me putting her down because as soon as we get into the bedroom no doubt she'll realise she is starving again. Anyway I feel rested so just catching up here and then I might plan my food for the day. Anyway please feel free to follow me on my ww diary: Hopefully see you's there girls xx

I know the feeling with the hormone crash. Mine is about 6ish, I've got constant tears in my eyes for nothing at all. Tom will look at me then we'll both just start laughing because I know how silly it is. It's not sad tears, they just come from nowhere. Luckily no one else has witnessed them yet!!

Are there restrictions to rejoining WW after having a baby? I really want to get back on it to try and lose a bit for the wedding. X
I know the feeling with the hormone crash. Mine is about 6ish, I've got constant tears in my eyes for nothing at all. Tom will look at me then we'll both just start laughing because I know how silly it is. It's not sad tears, they just come from nowhere. Luckily no one else has witnessed them yet!!

Are there restrictions to rejoining WW after having a baby? I really want to get back on it to try and lose a bit for the wedding. X

They advice you to wait 6 weeks before starting back. I told my ww instructor my EDD so she knows when baby came but if your instructor didn't know you don't have to tell her/him. I'm gonna try it myself till then but I know I'm useless unless I have a weigh-in. I'll try though.

With my crash I seem to get a really sad feeling. I've told hubby about it so he looks at me funny now at that time. We laugh about it too. Like the day I cried for an hour because I was sooooo tired lol. I feel grand once I get a few hours kip though so does seem to go hand in hand with the tiredness.
They advice you to wait 6 weeks before starting back. I told my ww instructor my EDD so she knows when baby came but if your instructor didn't know you don't have to tell her/him. I'm gonna try it myself till then but I know I'm useless unless I have a weigh-in. I'll try though. With my crash I seem to get a really sad feeling. I've told hubby about it so he looks at me funny now at that time. We laugh about it too. Like the day I cried for an hour because I was sooooo tired lol. I feel grand once I get a few hours kip though so does seem to go hand in hand with the tiredness.

I'm gonna do it online so I'll just not put in that I've had a baby ;-) easier to trick a computer than a person in some circumstances!!

I got really upset yesterday morning because I was tired. I know how lucky I am that Cole is a good sleeper but I was struggling to get him back off to sleep after a bottle and would be awake ages afterwards. So I went to my Dads and my step mum watched him while I went to bed for 2.5 hours.