Lauras Diary of Incubating

Ohh and did I mention I've a real notion for a cheese burger....I just want the meat, the cheese and bap, no salad, no onions and no red sauce!! Whats that all about. With my DD I craved orange juice, the fresh type. With my son I craved rice and I don't know what a burger means lol.

Ohh and mom has rang, she says she'd like to watch the kids this evening so we can go to the cinema :D.

Food today

Sausage sandwich - hubby made me

strawberry super split ice-cream

I wanted cheeseburgers when I was carrying my son.
I wanted cheeseburgers when I was carrying my son.

Ohhh I've a notion its gonna be another boy, but then again I thought that when I had my daughter. So I'm either right or wrong lol.

DINNER - In moms
2 roasties - she makes the best roasties, to die for
2 thin slices roast beef
carrots, cauliflower and broccoli - first veg I've eaten in ages, didn't find it appetising
1tbsp mash
Homemade chocolate fudge cake and ice-cream - yum yum yum x
Hi hun. How u getting on? How's your mil? Whens she starting her new treatment ?

Hey Frances, she is doing well, she has started her treatment already, she has another scan this week and then probably into the second round of her chemo again. They are looking to do this new 2 day treatment every 2 weeks, but I don't think they hold out much hope for her. We'll just have to wait and pray. She's still really optimistic though which is good.
Oh well her optimism will get her far...

How's bean? Still making you oober ill? x

Not too bad today, only been sick once and only have the mad nausea every hour or so, so getting a wee bit of a break from it. Keeping busy though.
Not too bad today, only been sick once and only have the mad nausea every hour or so, so getting a wee bit of a break from it. Keeping busy though.

Hope you're getting as much rest as you can too?? xx
Hope you're getting as much rest as you can too?? xx

Yeah I've been going to bed early Frances.

What a day, hail, sleet, driving rain and wind.....did someone say it was summer. I'm hoping it clears up soon and summer comes!
Yeah I've been going to bed early Frances.

What a day, hail, sleet, driving rain and wind.....did someone say it was summer. I'm hoping it clears up soon and summer comes!
OMG Laura its crazy out there.. Sun is now beaming in the window.. Not 5 mins ago the hail was belting off it...
Mother Nature needs to check her messages as she clearly hasn't been notified that Summer has arrived and it is in fact May!!!
Chrunchie nut cornflakes
Full fat milk

Beans on toast

1/2 bowl chicken carbonara

Snacks throughout day
Homemade seeded scone
Cheddar cheese sandwich

Sick twice
Off to bed now, knackered and sick :-[
Hi hunnie.. Just popping in to check all is OK? You've been very quiet the last couple of days.. Hope its just down to being busy and too tired to get on here.. xxx

Hiya Frances, I'm grand, just sick and tired ha! The morning sickness is getting worse but I'm just getting used to carrying little bags everywhere with me lol. I'm so sick of what I'm eating too, I long to be back to my healthy ways but raw meat, veg and anything with a funny smell is a real no no to me at the minute. I'm really hoping come 12 weeks I'll be feeling better. I'm 9+1 at the minute, no dates for scan or anything yet though.

My wee DS is sick now too, he has a really bad cold and is feeling very sad in himself. Hoping he gets better soon and my DD doesn't catch it.

So todays food wasn't great again. Thinking I should at least try and follow some type of plan. Maybe Simply filling with 90 weeklies or maybe slimming world. Don't know, I'm still so so nauseous I don't know if I can follow anything, but then is a sh!ty diet leading to an increase in the nausea?! Decisions decisions.......

Todays food

2 seeded wholegrain toast (M&S bread)

Duck spring rolls
1/2 big bar Mint Aero Bar :eek:

125g Minced steak burger (onion, lea&perrins, balsamic vinegar, fresh basil, ex.lean minced steak) - dry fried then finished in oven
Baby potatoes - 1/2'ed then drizzled in rapeseed oil, soya sauce and garlic salt - baked in oven
Tossed salad - tomatoes, lettuce, scallion, 20g cheddar cheese, cucumber and sugar snap peas
1 tbsp light coldslaw

Fresh Raspberry and lemon juice from M&S - 300ml
Water - 500ml

Have some salad left so will probably have it in a pitta pocket later for supper with an apple.
Prob no help at all as I've never been where u are.but my advice for what it's worth is to eat healthy where possible. Like, as ur doing already, choose wholemeal/grain foods instead of white. Grill/bake instead if fry TRY choose fruit r veg for snacks in between meals... At least then ur getting good wholesome food in n it won't b so bad.
I've got the perfect diet for you whilst you're feeling this rubbish, eat little and often, when you can and what you want!!!!

Consider yourself told:)
Prob no help at all as I've never been where u are.but my advice for what it's worth is to eat healthy where possible. Like, as ur doing already, choose wholemeal/grain foods instead of white. Grill/bake instead if fry TRY choose fruit r veg for snacks in between meals... At least then ur getting good wholesome food in n it won't b so bad.

See I know all this Frances but its the food aversions, I find it very hard to even look at most veg never mind force it down.

Tracy lol...what do I say to that...maybe 'yes maaam' lol
See I know all this Frances but its the food aversions, I find it very hard to even look at most veg never mind force it down.

Tracy lol...what do I say to that...maybe 'yes maaam' lol
I think you're doing really well.. Allot of ppl wud thro all sensible eating out the window.. You're trying where possible/what ya can stomach...
Thanks Frances, will keep trying to do better. I'm hoping to make sausage casserole tomorrow. I've been reading alot about gestational diabetes, seems to be on the rise, now I'm scared of that lol. Wanna cut down on sweet treats I think.
17/05/2013 - FRIDAY - 9+2

Yay the sun is here. Spent the day out and about.

2 Jacobs Cream crackers
10g cheddar cheese
Raspberry and lemon juice
Diet ginger ale

1 sausage
Potato wedges

SNACK - At park with kids
1/2 chicken coleslaw and lettuce sandwich on seeded wholegrain
Can fanta

About 8 or 9 crackerbread with butter - not feeling hungry for anything else

Did a big long walk with mom today, about 10k, had my DD in the pram. Knackered now but really enjoyed in, such a lovely day.

Sick a few times today and really really tired but really enjoyed my walk with mom.
Belly seems to have popped today as well. Really early but I guess thats what happens on your third pregnancy. I didn't really show with the others till around 18-20 weeks. I AM GONNA BE HUGE!!!
What a day, it has lashed the rain all day long. The river at the bottom of our road has burst its bands.

Today I've finally caught the cold the kids and hubby have. My throat is really dry and sore, my ears hurt too. I'm hoping I don't get the bad sinus headaches I got pregnant with my DS.

Today I spent most of my day in bed reading and chilling. Hubby told me to stay there as we weren't going anywhere and he'd watch and entertain the kids. Got up at 2p.m had a lovely long shower and now I'm watching t.v. I feel awful so will probably head back to bed soon lol. I am soooo lazy!!

Food today consisted mainly of cream crackers with calvita cheese and crackerbread with butter. I'm just not fancying anything else. Hubby I think is a little worried because I'm dizzy alot but I've told him it'll pass and I'm happy. I'm drinking plenty and just trying to eat what I can keep down.

My belly has definately popped. I'll post a picture in a wee while. Anyone had 3 kids that might read this, did you find your belly pop really early with the third?? xx