TS AAM Laura's diary!!

Well since Im now doing low carb I cant be hypocritical and say dont do it but I will say if you feel you can carry on with it then do it. I only gave up after months of getting nowhere fast.
It seems to be protein I'm craving like prawns, meat, eggs maybe I should just have some and stay on exante.
It's weird I mean I could cope if it was junk I'm craving but maybe my body just needs a little protein boost... I will try just having some prawns and see how I feel tomorrow. Thanks Joanne xx
Good luck - let us know how it goes

That's how I felt hun. I craved boiled eggs n cooked meats. I did wonder if I was lacking protein. Give it a try adding more protein into ur diet n see how u then feel. If u do decide to low carb, I'm on the Atkins forum n everyone's friendly there so I'm sure they'll make u feel welcome chick :)
I had a low carb meal!!! It was lovely but I feel so guilty now :-( I just hope I don't gain loads.... In two minds whether to go low carb the rest of the week and get back on exante when I'm back from my trip or get back on it tomorrow. Do you think eating low carb for the week would add pounds? Aaarrrgghhhhh wish I'd just stuck to plan now.
I don't know, Sweets, sorry

As long as you do stick to low carb you should be fine Laura. And a bit of extra protein every day isn't going to do too much damage to your weight loss either.
Well weigh in today after my low carb meal and I'm 1pound down!! I'm still back to being 100% today tho I can't take the guilt lol but thank you all for your opinions yesterday, it's nice to know someone is always here. So 3 pounds loss for this week, I'm happy with that!
well done laura.
i think there is a diet out there for all of us we just have to keep going until we find the right one.
you can still do exante and have a low carb meal. i have a high protein/low carb meal every day and it dosnt effect my losses at all.
have a look at the working solution. it might be what you need :)
Well done

Hello Girlies!! I have made a decision!! Decided to low carb till I get back from Poland then back on exante for a final blitz before moving back to low carb where I intend to stay forevermore, I feel great low carbing and I think it's where my body is happiest really. So not the end of exante for me by any means, I'll prob be here till Easter I'd think xx thanks for all your support you guys are the best.
Oh and I had a Hollywood wax today it was brilliant!! It was my first one ever and it was actually dignified! It wasn't too sore either, it was totally bearable. Just thought I'd share, maybe too much info?
Good luck low carbing Laura. And I'm afraid the idea of any kind of waxing fills me with horror. I don't do pain in any way.
You had the Hollywood? :eek:

Yep everything off!! It was really ok, not as bad as I was expecting... Nt pain free by any means but just a quick intake of breath not a full on scream lol results are very worth it.
The results I would like but the getting it done :eek::eek:

Let's just say that you're braver than me
