Laura's last attempt!!

That sounds great.................and painful lol! I want to start exercising but I'm too embarrassed at the moment!!! One of my dogs is poorly at the moment and having to take him to the vets everyday for injections and not allowed to walk him so not even getting my usual exercise x
God.... I am broken... my whole body is just about to jumo into a hot bath then straight to bed..... I'm gonna hurt tomorrow!!
But...I've booked for next week
I'm not one for exercise generally... I've never found that "buzz" that people talk about. .. but I'm trying.... I've now found that I'm obviously a lot smaller than I was, I'm starting to see the I don't feel any smaller as I've still got handfulls of rolls... nice!!
Sorry about your pooch...:-( awful when they're sick, I hope he's/she's better asap.

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Doh silly me. Of course you are working at them. Don't mind me, having a dumb moment. X

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Lol.... don't be daft. 20 odd weddings to go to... jeees I think I'd have to start declining after the 2nd!! Lol xxx

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Just think of it like this, what dress size was you when you started and what size are you now? That must be a huge change and what are spanx for!!! I'm sure exercising as you are you will soon smooth the lumps and bumps out. I hope so too, he's a Basset Hound called Bertie (we adopted him and he came with the nAme) I have 2 they are my babies (couldn't have my own so the dogs are the next best thing!) Xxx
Just realised my weight hasn't been updated on here for ages.... I've just put on 9 lbs in 10 seconds!!! Dammit!!

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My half eaten banana they look horrid but really really tasty and only 240 cals...and always keep me going till past lunchtime. Winner! :)

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Mmmmm that looks lovely how do you make them? I make banana pancakes but they don't look as good as yours x
2 eggs 1 banana, shuzz together, cap of vanilla essence, teaspoonfl og sweetner ...thats it. Easy and dead tasty. X

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I've weighed this morning as we're out tonight celebrating my hubby's new job. There's about 30 of us going out and I'm expecting a fair amount of alcohol to be consumed! :) I tend not to lose when I drink so I figured I'd weigh beforehand and then will weigh again a week on Monday. 12.9.5 this morning so it's going down nicely. :) Thats a 1.75 loss since Monday so I think it would have been a 2lb ish loss by Monday.

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Congratulations to your hubby have a great night. And we'll done on your loss hun x
Thanks, thanks n thanks! :) Was a great night but came home early as just sooooo knackered! It's been my only Sat night off for months and we're booked until the end of October now so really wanted to make the most of it.... but I think the 50+ hour weeks are catching up on me! Lol..

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50 hours plus omg you should be thin as a rake lol x
I sit on my backside for 40 hours of them!! Lol

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That's my problem lol x
And mine I work in an operational call centre, the operation most of my colleagues & I need is jaw wiring as the habit is to sit & eat!!!
I work in a call centre to forever have all the bad stuff put under my nose "it's Friday just have a wee something" arghh it's terrible :( x
Jaw wiring I've considered that............