I'm from Durham lovely, why? X
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Well done Lauradoing great
Thanks lovelyyou're doing fantastically well too! I've 44lbs to lose and am aiming to get to my target by Xmas - which I have 37 weigh ins until!
I've work out that is a rough average of 1.2lbs a week until Xmas, so every week I am going to aim for anything between 1 and 2lbs a week to keep me on track!
Have you have your first weigh in of your challenge yet Hun? X
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Impromptu night out with oh has occurred, going to wipe out the kit Kat, leaving me 6 syns for the day. However I am going to just go out, drink sensible drinks, and enjoy without stressing over synsas long as I stick with vodka and diet mixers I will be happy
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