Laura's Summer Slimming!

Dinner looks lovely!
Glad the scales are moving in the right direction for you!
And thank you for your feed back, I'm a health care assistant working in a hospital as well as C, just had a new member with type 1 join me,
and it's really helped me help someone else and understand some more of the challenges you face. (hope some of that I said, helped with your weight loss as well!) xx

Yes 3 losses 3 weeks in a row now - this is progress!! Lol. Hopefully my body is in fat burning mode more now & this will continue!

Yes it certainly is challenging, and it's lovely you are trying to understand your colleagues challenges too. I find that people just think diabetes is about taking some insulin and all is fine and dandy....whereas it's so much more than that, it's a chronic condition that we never get a break from (oh how I'd love a little diabetes holiday, sigh) and you can't just eat without thinking anymore, everything has to be counted, worked out etc. A fingerprick test (ouch, those are worse than injections!) before eating anything and before driving each time, checking levels before bed & always when drinking alcohol too! You do just get used to it but there's plenty times it really gets me down & sometimes you just need a little wallow about it! Thanks for popping by again, how are you this week? x
Today's food so far.....

Breakfast - Melon & strawberries with cherry mullerlight. 2 cups of tea.

Lunch - peri peri chicken salad - baby spinach, lettuce, spring onion, cherry tomatoes, pickles, sugar snap peas with a little balsamic vinegar. 2 tbsp ex light mayo (1 syn)

Dinner - cottage pie topped with swede & sweet potato & 30g cheddar (HeA) with broccoli.

Snacks - 2 x Rocky Road Hi Fi bars (HExB), strawberries & apple, banana&custard mullerlight yoghurt.

Syns - 100ml milk (2.5 syns), ex light mayo (1), syns in lean mince (2), orange juice (hypo treatment, 4 syns :( )

Total syns - 9.5

Had a bit of a rubbish night with a hypo (2.7) at 1.20am :( so had to scoff about 8 jelly babies as after having 4 I still felt really hypo. I think it was my exercise yesterday, but I also need to scale back my basal insulin again by another unit.

I woke up high (11.8) this morning and corrected it then just had another hypo about 9.30am (3.8) so only just about to have my breakfast anyway as levels are back to normal now! I'm still getting used to balancing everything with my insulin & running and had all been going ok but another drop means I'll hopefully see a weight loss again this week (doses are loosely based on weight)

Hoping to get out a run tonight, if I am not too tired when OH gets home from work. Getting my hair cut & coloured later too (desperately needed lol!) though so depends how long that takes!
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Hey chick,

Until reading your diary I don't think I really appreciated how much a condition like diabetes controls your life! I think you're absolutely amazing for tackling SW and exercise whilst keeping it under control!

Mmm peri peri chicken salad sounds just perfect for a day like today! Hope it was yum! xx
Hey chick,

Until reading your diary I don't think I really appreciated how much a condition like diabetes controls your life! I think you're absolutely amazing for tackling SW and exercise whilst keeping it under control!

Mmm peri peri chicken salad sounds just perfect for a day like today! Hope it was yum! xx

Aww thank you <3 The mantra is meant to be "you have to control the diabetes and not let it control you!" but sometimes that's easier said than done!
Today's is a RED day....

Breakfast - 35g bran flakes with 1/2 a banana and few strawberries. An apple. Cup of tea.

Lunch - peri peri chicken salad - lettuce, cucumber, sugar snap peas, tomatoes.

Dinner - leftover cottage pie & broccoli again.

Snacks - toffee mullerlight, melon, strawberries.

Syns - ex light mayo (0.5), brown sauce (2), carton orange juice - hypo treatment (4), 100ml 1% milk (2) = 8.5.

HExA - 300ml 1% milk & 30g cheddar.
HExB - 35g bran flakes & 2 x light hifi bars.

Had a really rough day yesterday with FOUR hypos - dunno what on earth was going on!! Not nice though and I HATE having to guzzle glucose for them - I do just treat with 15g as I am meant to but its still around 4 syns normally.

My little girl has a very weird rash/spots/hives too which I am going to have to take her to the Dr about tomorrow I think, with all this happening plus being in work today I haven't had any time for my run, because OH is nightshift tonight. Boooo. Think I will go when he is home in the morning though.

Hope everyone is good.......and looking forward to the bank holiday weekend! That's me off work now until Tuesday, yay! xxx
Glad you've got a lovely long weekend to look forward to hun, but sorry to hear little one isn't well. Hope the doctor can make her feel better tomorrow.

I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to get some body magic in over the weekend - especially as the weather is supposed to be so nice :) xx
Breakfast - 35g porridge oats with rhubarb & vanilla FF yoghurt. Melon. Cup of tea.

Lunch - 2 poached eggs, beans, tomatoes, brown sauce (2) Cup of tea.

Dinner - wholewheat pasta with bacon, tomatoes, peppers, onions, 60g low low cheese spread & ham stock - made a lovely creamy cheesy pasta!

HeB - 35g porridge oats
HeA - 60g low low cheese spread
Snacks - few slices ham, curly wurly (6), milk in tea (2.5)

Syns - 10.5

Today is one of the first days for weeks when I wanted to eat rubbish! Had to take my little girl to the GP about these weird spots (they think it's some sort of bites?!) and the day was just hectic! On Thursday I dropped my phone and smashed it all at the front, didn't even drop it from high up but it was properly smashed all over the screen!!! So went to get that fixed today too, I use my phone for everything that it was worth the £50 it cost!! Lol. Bloody annoying though. Sat in a cafe for a bit waiting for my phone to be ready and soooooo wanted to order one of the delicious bakery cakes but resisted and just drunk my cup of tea!

OH is nightshift tonight too and by the time I got in I was just going to shove something in from the freezer but had a quick look at the syns of some Birds Eye chicken fillet things and quickly changed my mind & made the pasta above - tasty it was too actually! After it I treated myself to a curly wurly which hit the spot for something sweet.

I was reallllly wanting a good loss this week but between having all those hypos and just not being 100% organised yesterday and today I'm not sure it's going to happen! Hoping to get out runs tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday though as haven't been able to get out since Tuesday and it's annoying me now! Maybe that will shift those scales down a bit?! Hey ho.....must get to sleep now, kids will no doubt be up early tomorrow!
Oooh but also......bit of a NSV today.......

Fitted into size 14 skinny jeans - they fitted me a while back when I lost some weight but not back into them today, waist actually a bit baggy(?!) but the legs a tiny bit tight so hoping to feel those just a little looser in the next few weeks too please!! Then downwards to the 12's hopefully - come on thighs, shrink!!!
Oooh but also......bit of a NSV today.......

Fitted into size 14 skinny jeans - they fitted me a while back when I lost some weight but not back into them today, waist actually a bit baggy(?!) but the legs a tiny bit tight so hoping to feel those just a little looser in the next few weeks too please!! Then downwards to the 12's hopefully - come on thighs, shrink!!!
That's fab - you should be really proud of yourself!xx

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Laura's Weight Loss Mission with Type 1 diabetes - pics &amp; food diary!

Hi Laura, just found your diary and popped over to say hello *waves*. You are doing so well. Like Miss Corset said, I didn't appreciate diabetes either. Keep up the good work.

Your buttery salmon and tikka masala look gorgeous! x
Laura's Weight Loss Mission with Type 1 diabetes - pics &amp; food diary!

Oh and ps I completely get the thigh thing grrr
*Waves* hello to radleygirl! :)

So this morning I got out my run, week 2 day 1 of C25K. Definitely finding it easier so all good! Might do Jillian DVD later too....I really need to make up for lack of being able to get out during the week!! My scales have not shifted at all so hoping that lots of body magic might help that by Monday!!

Breakfast - mango & fresh pineapple with coconut mullerlight - mmmmm I actually love this combo!

Lunch - carrot, coriander, butter bean & cannellini bean soup! Mmmm this is so tasty, just finished it. Will defo make again!

Dinner - TBC

Snacks -

HExA -
HExB -

Syns -
Ooops! Haven't had a minute to update here the past couple of days.

I am a bit miffed & down.

Had a lovely bank holiday Monday, went away on a day out with the kids & OH, all the way to England ;-) Ok it was Berwick Upon Tweed but still, we did cross that border lol.

I weighed in this morning at home at 11st 12lb - yahooooo! That would have meant 2lb loss.

At class, by the end of today (could only go to the 7.30pm class) - 11st 13.5lbs. Which means a measly 0.5lb loss. This messes with my head a bit.

Now, I know a loss is a loss. And it all adds up. But I am finding myself anxious about the classes at times because they are all evening ones....and is my morning weighing at home more of a true weight?!

I like my class, I like the consultant and I know I have lost 10lbs. But so many people lose so much more in the same time - I am not cheating at ALL and if I did I would take any gain on the chin. It is coming off soooo slowly! :( I never get these weeks of big whooshes off either to "catch up".

How many of you do SW yourself from home? Do you pay for online memberships?

9 weeks tomorrow until we go on holiday....I want another 1st 3lbs off for it!!! 17lbs - get on yer bike!!!

Please if anyone has any ideas what I can change or switch things for then add your ideas here!
On the plus side.....I didn't stay to class as I was at the later one and had so much to do at home (having been out all day!) and had to nip to the supermarket for fruit & veg.

I came home and went out and did my C25K run tonight, week 2 complete! Onto week 3, day 1 tomorrow.....screw you fat cells - move away, you are not wanted here!!!!!

Also we VERY nearly ended up at Krispy Kreme on the way home tonight. BUT I SAID NO! Kids had already had enough sweet stuff today, and OH would have eaten them but he's been doing well too....he'll thank me in the long run! I very nearly cracked though...and know I wouldn't have just had one if they were in the house so well done ME eh?! ;-)
Today's food - Extra Easy

Breakfast - 2 x weetabix with banana & Kara coconut milk 200ml (3 syns)

Lunch - SW quiche (bacon, onion, peppers, sweetcorn, basil) with a green salad with 2 tbsp light caesar dressing (1 syn) and some cooked chicken pieces. Big portion of melon. Peach and pineapple mullerlight. (I made all this and took it as my picnic today!! Hope you are impressed ;) )

- Chickpea loaves, big salad, pickled onions. Mint & yoghurt raita.

HExA - SS milk in my tea

HExB - weetabix

Syns - 2 x love hearts sweets (1), 5 or so white chocolate buttons (2?)

7 syns in total.
Tonight's yummy dinner.


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Hey lovely,

Sorry to hear you're feeling down. As you say, a loss is a loss, but I know sometimes it's not enough!

I've always done SW from home and only used this amazing site. My sister-in-law had shared the basic PDFs with me at the start, because she had a SW online membership but she gave up after a few weeks! So it definitely is possible to 'go it alone'.

I've always weighed in the morning because its my lowest weight. I'm guessing its truest too, before you've eaten anything? I must admit I'm a serial weigher so I get up and hop on my scales every day without fail! That's a bad habit to have, I know, but I've always done it!

You did so well resisting the doughnuts when you were feeling down. Try and focus on achievements like that and think how much your mindset is changing and how strong you are.

You're doing fantastically well hun - with the exercise as well as diet. Just hang in there!xx

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Yep sometimes it is just not enough!! I don't know how some people on SW lose so much week on week!!!

I am proud of the exercise thing too, anyone who knows me well would know this is an achievement haha! And as much as I want to lose weight, I want to lose inches and be fitter and healthier too.

I think I definitely could go it alone....between here and FB groups too but I do like the online access for syns etc too and for weighing in on and stuff to see my little graph, haha!

I just want to know what to do to BOOST things a bit. Last week I did really well I thought, but I know all the hypos will have had an effect sticking to the "plan" including 15 syns a day etc though, I wouldn't lose at all I don't think! I don't understand the "you're not eating enough" philosophy either, well I do if someone is starving themselves but I certainly am not lol.

There's no way I am giving up but I am struggling a bit to know what is going on!!!! Still 4lbs to get to my 1 stone off award. Sigh.
Hi, I've needed to lower my basal every 5lb or so. Also slow weight loss makes it easier to get the doseage right. If you drop weight too quickly without the right adjustments you do tend to hypo.