Laura's Summer Slimming!

Hi, I've needed to lower my basal every 5lb or so. Also slow weight loss makes it easier to get the doseage right. If you drop weight too quickly without the right adjustments you do tend to hypo.

Hello, a fellow diabetic!

Yes for me it seems to be every 3 or 4lbs or so I think! I need to be AHEAD of it in future - all a learning curve I guess.

I have gone from 13u Levemir daytime down to 9u, and 10u at night down to 8u so far. If I have exercised I reduce that even further! So a fair drop already.

I have decided this week to aim for the upper end of my BG target until things settle again, although have had a fine couple of days again with no hypos....trying to aim for "perfect" when losing weight is causing me problems with the hypos so for a few weeks seeing slightly higher numbers is ok.

Are you on a pump or MDI? You have had great losses, well done! x
Today's food - a RED day.

Fresh pineapple and a mango & passionfruit mullerlight. Cup of tea.

SW quiche (bacon, onion, peppers, sweetcorn, basil) with salad (lettuce, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, spring onion) with 2 tbsp light caesar dressing (1 syn)
An apple.

Chilli con carne (made with turkey breast mince), with griddled courgettes & green beans & HexA cheese.

HExA 1 - SS milk in my tea 250ml
HExA 2 - 30g cheddar

HExB 1 - 120g red kidney beans (in chilli)
HExB 2 - 2 rocky road hi-fi light bars

Syns - dressing (1), 50g sweetcorn in quiche (2)

Snacks - tin mackerel in tomato sauce (free)

3 syns in total.
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It's been slow but trying to rush it has failed in the past. In fact it's been counter productive. My figures aren't perfect but they are within target. I hardly ever hypo now but I've had 40 years to practice ( I was 10) and I'm still very aware when one is coming on. I've considered a pump but I'm so stuck in my ways. Wish I'd found slimming world years ago as it would have really helped to have some sort of easy blueprint for healthy eating.

If I've any advice to give you it's that, don't think about it as a diet but as a way of doing healthy eating that will delay any insulin resistance and all the other nasties, improving your figure is a bonus.
Yeah I am but it's frustrating how slow it is for me, I'm almost embarrassed how long it's taking! :( some people lose 10lbs in their first 2 or 3 weeks! I really wanted lbs off for my holiday & it's just not moving fast at all! Moan moan moan.

Been out my run but I'm really peed off tonight, proper fed up with it all! I will not give up or sabotage but am having a strop lol.

I'm going to do jillian 30 day shred too-glutton for punishment maybe but maybe the running alone isn't enough to shift these pesky lbs!!!

I also think this week I might scale back my fruit intake a bit & focus on lower gi ones. Although I bought a melon yesterday which I won't waste so will prob still use that up over the week. Also maybe more eggs etc for breakfast than cereal/fruit? Can only experiment I guess...
Dinner tonight!


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Hey Laura,

Well done on your loss. I know what you mean about being disappointed, but any loss is great. I also do SW from home as I don't like the SW consultant in my village. I weight first thing in a morning and I think its a truer reading - plus I have no pesly clothes weighing me down ;)

Good for you for sticking to plan and exercising. My losses are slow and some weeks I have an unfair gain but I can see that my body is changing and I'm sure the scales will change for me eventually x x

P.S Dinners looking great!
Thanks Adelle. I really do like my consultant but I am thinking about going it alone for a bit and putting those £5 into a jar instead to buy new clothes eventually ;-) haha. I will decide nearer Monday about going next week.

Have thoroughly depressed myself anyway by googling how difficult it can be to lose weight when Type 1 diabetic and therefore having to inject body's metabolic process just isn't quite the same as everyone elses and maybe I need to realise that. This is by far the hardest thing I have tried to do, I am just sad I wanted to lose so much more for my holiday, I know I still have 8 weeks to go but short of a miracle I am not going to get to my goal by then, but I would like to reach 10st 9.5lb which is another 18lbs away....4 more to get to my first stone and then another stone after that!!!

I have decided to definitely focus on RED days though more (unless eating out etc) and less fruit, which makes me sad but might be what's tripping me up somewhere. Also lower GI fruits.

I found myself looking at VLCD websites and stuff this morning as I was so p*ssed off with it all.....I need a boost (that stupid 4lbs off would be AMAZING!) but I really don't know what to do - I do love the SW plan but something just isn't quite working for me. Going to try the tweaks above this week and see what happens first though.
Today's food - a RED day.

Strawberries & vanilla mullerlight. Cup of tea.

Egg salad - 2 boiled eggs, lettuce, cucumber, spring onion, cherry tomatoes, pickled onions, ex light mayo (1)
Chilli con carne (made with turkey breast mince), with griddled courgettes & green beans, broccoli & HexA cheese.

HExA 1 - SS milk in my tea 250ml
HExA 2 - 30g cheddar

HExB 1 - 120g red kidney beans (in chilli)
HExB 2 - 2 rocky road hi-fi light bars

Syns - ex light mayo (1), freddo bar (5)

6 syns in total.

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Its up to you about going it alone, but I don't regret my decision one bit. It's a good idea about putting the money away too. Try a few tweaks but if that doesn't help you might have to try another 'diet' but can you do VLCD with your diabetes?
Its up to you about going it alone, but I don't regret my decision one bit. It's a good idea about putting the money away too. Try a few tweaks but if that doesn't help you might have to try another 'diet' but can you do VLCD with your diabetes?

There's no reason why not as long as I adjust my insulin dose accordingly which I do every day anyway, I carb count everything. I have to be careful when in ketosis but I never skip basal insulin so I always have insulin on board, it's not as good as what my body is meant to do naturally but hey, stupid pancreas gave up on me!!
No running tonight as me and my little boy both had opticians appts after work/school so was home to housework/dinner etc and I was too knackered later to go out, plus the back of my left thigh is a bit sore like I have pulled something so figured a rest day was maybe a good idea. I will get back out tomorrow though once OH is home I hope about 7pm!

Am thinking about joining a gym though...... :-o
Laura's Weight Loss Mission with Type 1 diabetes - pics & food diary!

Hope your leg feels better today. Good for you for thinking of joining a gym.
Yesterday's food sounded fab lovely! Hope your pulled muscle is feeling better after a rest day.xx

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
My leg still hurts dammit. I want to get out my run later but at this rate dinner isn't going to be ready til about 7 or 8 so it might be too late as I need to time it around my food/insulin too. Grrrrr. Still hoping to get out!

Food today - RED day.

Breakfast - vanilla mullerlight & strawberries

Lunch - tomato mackerel salad, dressing (1)

Dinner - smoked paprika chicken casserole with cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage & 200g crushed garlic & rosemary new potatoes.

Snacks - a banana, 2 x chipolata sausages (5)

HExA - 250ml milk

HExB - 1) new potatoes 2) hi-fi bar

Syns - dressing (1) paprika chicken syns (2), sausages (5)

8 syns in total.
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I'm good thanks lovely. Just been pottering around the house and watching trashy TV - properly lazy but making the most of my last few days of freedom before I start new job on Monday!

Your casserole for tonight sounds lush! Hope it gives you time to go out for a run too :) xx
Laura, if it's any consolation,
I lost 3 1/2 stone over 13 months.
Yes it was slow. Yes it was frustrating
But 1/2lb 1lb 2lb 's was how I lost my weight
the most I ever managed in 1 week was 3 1/2 lbs
but taking that time meant that it became part of my lifestyle, and I've been able to maintain my target for just over 2 years.
You're doing a great job, and that's a loss for the last 3 weeks! xx
Laura's Weight Loss Mission with Type 1 diabetes - pics & food diary!

Well done little miss slim! My losses are slow but ur right it does become a life style.

Laura I'm good today thanks. What scan bran cake did you make? x