LeaE's Jelly Wobble

LeaE said:
Somehow with u two on fasting I'm predicting the bronze for me but I'm sure as hell going to give u a run for yr Money !!!!!!! Lol right game on ha ha ha

You'd be surprised fasting for so many hours can slow your metabolism I've read in a medical report. But I predict the three of us on the gold podium :)
katiebaby said:
You'd be surprised fasting for so many hours can slow your metabolism I've read in a medical report. But I predict the three of us on the gold podium :)

I'm happy with bronze as long as I get in them 12s and think u two prob deserve to beat me but that isn't saying I won't try I like a bit of friendly challenge makes this last bit more fun and stirs up some of that determination we had only a few months ago x I do love u lot on minis
LeaE said:
I'm happy with bronze as long as I get in them 12s and think u two prob deserve to beat me but that isn't saying I won't try I like a bit of friendly challenge makes this last bit more fun and stirs up some of that determination we had only a few months ago x I do love u lot on minis

I love it here it's so supportive :) like a big happy family... Nothing like a bit of a friendly challenge reignites the motivation in us all x
Wow! Just caught up Lea! 6 pound loss brilliant! In the 13's that is fabulous! Sooo pleased for you! Are you still SSing? I really am full of admiration that you have come so far what with your busy schedule with the kids and night shift! Oh! Night shift would kill me! I couldn't even try to do a vlcd doing night shift on top everything else! Keep going girl!
Well done on reaching the 13s hun :) welcome to the club lol here's to the 12s now!! Yay! :D hope you're gd xx
vadey said:
Can I join the olympic fun!! Was 16.3 last wed now 15.11. 12 to go to those 14's!! X

The more the merrier :) welcome!
vadey said:
Thanks!! Just want to see those 14's x

I am starting to think ill never see the 12s!
We will all see the next stone level! Positivity and u fab girls help ;)
katiebaby said:
I am starting to think ill never see the 12s!

The 14's have been years and years for me!! I've tried vlcd before and just couldn't hack it, but doing slim and save and that meal makes all the difference x
vadey said:
The 14's have been years and years for me!! I've tried vlcd before and just couldn't hack it, but doing slim and save and that meal makes all the difference x

I'm sure you will reach them in no time :) I haven't been 12stone since I was about 12 seriously x I'll faint when I see them lol
Ah thank u love and yeah it's defo nice to see this new stone barrier because the 14s were a nightmare but glad to be finally free of them x how are u x

Such consideration as always. I'm good thanks, Ella's got hand foot and mouth disease again, 3rd time this yr would you believe but she's through the worst of it now. Still keeping motivated on diet front and been exercising every day for the last 10 days now and i can actually see my waist coming back which is very inspiring :)
vadey said:
Lol!!! How far you got to go?

I want to be about 11st 7lb so about 2stone, what abou you?
Kira said:
Wow! Just caught up Lea! 6 pound loss brilliant! In the 13's that is fabulous! Sooo pleased for you! Are you still SSing? I really am full of admiration that you have come so far what with your busy schedule with the kids and night shift! Oh! Night shift would kill me! I couldn't even try to do a vlcd doing night shift on top everything else! Keep going girl!

Hey kira how are u ? How's the diet going ? Yes I was pleased with a 6lbs loss was lovely just wish we could have it every week hey but at least it firmly put me in the 13s which I must admit is still really nice x although the giddy feeling has subsided to be replaced with my goal of the 12s x is it odd but I just don't feel like I could ever wi in the 12s it feels a little surreal and like its just never going to be me however now I have my challenge and new goal I'm ready and aiming for it x night shifts are a bore I agree and totally screw up the routine of this diet however it doesn't matter as long as I stick on it and drink my water it's only 2 nights a week x anyways hope yr well and ever shrinking x
Siobhan89 said:
Well done on reaching the 13s hun :) welcome to the club lol here's to the 12s now!! Yay! :D hope you're gd xx

I'm good ta how are u and yes I'm in the 13s club whoop but hope I'm not in it for long as the 14s really got me down I really don't want the same again with this stone barrier x how long to yr holiday ?
vadey said:
Can I join the olympic fun!! Was 16.3 last wed now 15.11. 12 to go to those 14's!! X

Whhhhooooppppp yr joining this slimathon hey x well good luck missy x
katiebaby said:
I am starting to think ill never see the 12s!

How long u been in the 13s